Download von wxmedit-2.9.8-1.x86_64-icu42.rpm (wxmedit-2.9.8-1.x86_64-icu42.rpm ( externer Link: 979,908 Bytes) wird in Kürze beginnen. Wenn nicht, klicke auf wxmedit-2.9.8-1.x86_64-icu42.rpm ( externer Link:
Mainly Changes from MadEdit 0.2.9 •Added automatically checking for updates. •Added bookmark support. •Added purging histories support. •Added selecting a line by triple click. •Added FreeBASIC syntax file. •Improved encoding support.
•Improved Mac OS X support. •Improved system integration under Windows. •Improved encoding detection result. •Redesigned dialogs with Code::Block wxSmith. •Updated translations.
•Fixed many crashes and other bugs. •Improved build and packaging configurations.