

File Host and Sample Code for Shervin Emami's website at


Betriebssystem: OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)


Latest 5 files
Name Größe Datum Anzahl der Downloads
README.txt 0.1 KB 2010-06-24 01:39 6
MastersThesis.pdf 2.8 MB 2010-06-23 01:01 14
Resume.pdf 128.0 KB 2010-06-23 01:00 39
starShape.lgo 0.6 KB 2010-06-23 00:59 6
SimpleShooter.swf 2.3 KB 2010-06-23 00:59 6
All Files
README.txt0.1 KB2010-06-24 01:396
MastersThesis.pdf2.8 MB2010-06-23 01:0114
Resume.pdf128.0 KB2010-06-23 01:0039
starShape.lgo0.6 KB2010-06-23 00:596
SimpleShooter.swf2.3 KB2010-06-23 00:596
simpleAnimation.lgo1.2 KB2010-06-23 00:594
robotis_usb2dynamixel_sdkv1.01.zip4.1 MB2010-06-23 00:583
shirtDetection.zip177.8 KB2010-06-23 00:5811
openCV200_Win32DLLs.zip1.8 MB2010-06-23 00:5716
onlineFaceRec_OpenCVbinaries.zip2.3 MB2010-06-23 00:5628
favicon.ico1.1 KB2010-06-23 00:543
onlineFaceRec.zip72.3 KB2010-06-23 00:54280
graphUtils.zip4.0 KB2010-06-23 00:5328
facerecExample_ORL.zip1.2 KB2010-06-23 00:4349
dynamixeltoolkit_v1.0.zip279.3 KB2010-06-23 00:4210
dynamixel_study_by_ett.pdf2.1 MB2010-06-23 00:4227
combineVids.zip22.2 KB2010-06-23 00:4117
colorWheelHSV.zip13.4 KB2010-06-23 00:4155
asm1.zip2.1 KB2010-06-23 00:379
appendVids.zip22.6 KB2010-06-23 00:3710