Foren: English (Thread #32410)

Problem in scanning 2d barcode on J2ME (2012-06-28 15:47 by nayal_ashish #64402)

I am I am developing a 2D Barcode scanner application using qrcode library.
My requirement is that instead of capturing the image of barcode manually and then scannning,it should automatically scan the barcode and retrieve the result as I place the mobile camera over the barcode i.e real time scan similiar to zxing barcode scanner for Android mobiles.

Please help me out

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RE: Problem in scanning 2d barcode on J2ME (2013-06-14 11:34 by Anonym #69107)

Here is a online barcode creating tutorial in c# .net, including all the linear and 2D barcode types, i believe it can enlighten you on barcode generating
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RE: Problem in scanning 2d barcode on J2ME (2013-09-04 18:56 by weatherlick #70167)

Why not use a third party contorl? It saves time. Last time I used this 2D barcode scanner: Very good to use.
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Re: Problem in scanning 2d barcode on J2ME (2014-05-16 12:36 by lucyact #73031)

[Reply To Message #64402]
> I am I am developing a 2D Barcode scanner application using qrcode library.
> My requirement is that instead of capturing the image of barcode manually and then scannning,it should automatically scan the barcode and retrieve the result as I place the mobile camera over the barcode i.e real time scan similiar to zxing barcode scanner for Android mobiles.
> Please help me out
as for the barcode scanner application for qr code, i happen to know one simple but powerful. you can check its trial package folder.
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