Foren: English (Thread #31705)

Need help about sample applications (2012-03-07 18:56 by Anonym #62642)

Dear all:
I'm trying to use the sample application "Real time QR Code reader by Java Media Framework(JMF) and PC camera"
I use eclipse as IDE tool, my PC is windows XP 32 bit
and I have already install the JMF and my webCam can work in JMF.
But when I trying this sample, it show " Your camera is not connect"
and the Exception is below

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at jmf.camDataSource.startProcessing(
at jmf.jmfexample.<init>(
at jmf.jmfexample.main(

how can I make it work?

thx a lot

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RE: Need help about sample applications (2012-03-20 18:37 by Anonym #62857)

Solve the Question by myself

change to null
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