Foren: English (Thread #29672)

QR generator offline question (2011-06-30 05:50 by Jim #58274)

Hi all,

First of all I'm new to QRCode so forgive me if I ask a silly question. I was wondering if I can generate directly a QR code from a .mdb database. I developed a program which read the url from a .mdb database and I can write to a text file on harddisk this url. Next I want to launch a QR code .exe which read this textfile and generate a QRCode and print it or save this image to harddisk as png for example.

Thanks for any answer given

Best Regards


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RE: QR generator offline question (2011-07-30 06:17 by gerald krug #58824)

Jim you need to use perl to use the url's in the text file
to encode into a QRcode image.

I assume there is more than one URL in the text file, or only one, does not matter to perl.

You need to open the text file to a my $textfile variable
then split them into an array my @splitfiles variable

then use a foreach loop to find the URL you want to encode

then using a post or get to the QRcode encoder .php program
encode the URL you have now isolated from the text
and then saving the encoded QRcode image to
the local folder so you can use it...

I hope that helps
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Re: QR generator offline question (2014-02-13 15:25 by Nana111 #71883)

[Reply To Message #58274]
HI there
As QR Code has a wide valid data scope, thus, people often encode a website link into QR Code. Then one can easily visit this website by just scanning the QR code barcode, instead of entering the url in the web browser. Therefore, QR Code has been widely used in the marketing and advertising field as a promotion tool.
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