[macemacsjp-english 100] Re: bug in mac-key-mode with drag-n-drop

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David Reitter david****@gmail*****
Fri Jun 17 16:00:59 JST 2005

On 16 Jun 2005, at 20:59, Mark Moll wrote:

> If I drag an attachment from Mail.app to Emacs.app with mac-key-mode
> enabled, I get the following error message:
> "<M-drag-n-drop> is undefined"
> Strangely enough, dragging a file from the Finder to Emacs works
> fine. With mac-key-mode disabled everything works fine, too.

Could you reproduce this several times?

I get stuff like that quite often when I press ESC at some point  
before, which maps to Meta. The whole key sequence is treated as a  
group then, and drag-n-drop counts as a 'key' in Emacs. Can happen  
with other events (e.g. mouse wheel scrolling) as well.

Just an idea
-- Dave

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