[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-command [master] fix error occured if logaling_home not found

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Mon Feb 27 10:34:54 JST 2012

SUZUKI Miho	2012-02-27 10:34:54 +0900 (Mon, 27 Feb 2012)

  New Revision: ac2dab30716e6fdf11ddbcd45cfba6175dbd6a9f

  Merged 5e13d76: Merge pull request #55 from logaling/fix-loga-config

    fix error occured if logaling_home not found

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/logaling/command/application.rb (+17 -11)
--- lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-02-27 10:02:19 +0900 (b475ef7)
+++ lib/logaling/command/application.rb    2012-02-27 10:34:54 +0900 (0d3400e)
@@ -119,17 +119,23 @@ module Logaling::Command
       say "#{@config.glossary} is not yet registered."
-    desc 'config [KEY] [VALUE] [--global(optional)]', 'Set config.'
-    method_option "global", type: :boolean, default: false
-    def config(key, value)
-      config_path = options["global"] ? File.join(@logaling_home, "config") : @project_config_path
-      config = Logaling::Config.load(config_path)
-      config.add(key, value)
-      config.save(config_path)
-      say "Successfully set config."
-    rescue Logaling::CommandFailed => e
-      say e.message
-    end
+   desc 'config [KEY] [VALUE] [--global(optional)]', 'Set config.'
+   method_option "global", type: :boolean, default: false
+   def config(key, value)
+     if options["global"]
+       FileUtils.mkdir_p(@logaling_home) unless File.exist?(@logaling_home)
+       config_path = File.join(@logaling_home, "config")
+     else
+       raise Logaling::CommandFailed, "Can't found .logaling" unless @project_config_path
+       config_path = @project_config_path
+     end
+     config = Logaling::Config.load(config_path)
+     config.add(key, value)
+     config.save(config_path)
+     say "Successfully set config."
+   rescue Logaling::CommandFailed => e
+     say e.message
+   end
     desc 'add [SOURCE TERM] [TARGET TERM] [NOTE(optional)]', 'Add term to glossary.'
     def add(source_term, target_term, note='')

  Modified: spec/logaling/command_spec.rb (+33 -0)
--- spec/logaling/command_spec.rb    2012-02-27 10:02:19 +0900 (22ee439)
+++ spec/logaling/command_spec.rb    2012-02-27 10:34:54 +0900 (ef8dcb2)
@@ -220,6 +220,39 @@ describe Logaling::Command::Application do
         FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(global_config, true)
+    context 'when logaling_home not exists' do
+      context 'with argument "target-language"' do
+        before do
+          command.new('spec', 'en')
+          FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(@logaling_home, true)
+          command.config("target-language", "fr")
+        end
+        it 'should overwrite target-language' do
+          should include "--target-language fr"
+        end
+      end
+      context 'with argument "--global" and "target-language"' do
+        before do
+          command.options = base_options.merge("global" => true)
+          command.new('spec', 'en')
+          FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(@logaling_home, true)
+          command.config("target-language", "ja")
+        end
+        subject { File.read(global_config) }
+        it 'should create {logaling_home}/config and write target-language' do
+          should include "--target-language ja"
+        end
+        after do
+          FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(global_config, true)
+        end
+      end
+    end
   describe '#add' do

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