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pm_diskd: Liste der Commits

※ リポジトリは、pm-diskd ブランチが https://github.com/linux-ha-japan/pm_diskd-1.0 へ、pm-diskd-2.0ブランチが https://github.com/linux-ha-japan/pm_diskd へ移行しました。

Pacemaker 対応ディスク故障監視機能。

ブランチ名: pm-diskd

初回 hg clone 実行後は、hg update -r pm-diskd を実行すること。

Heartbeat-2.1.4 用 hb-diskd(*) のPacemaker対応版
(*) http://sourceforge.jp/projects/linux-ha/releases/?package_id=10555

Rev. Zeit Autor
701617deb1ef stable-0.6 2008-09-02 18:44:29 Andrew Beekhof

High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Ensure unmanaged masters are unconditionally repromoted to ensure they are monitored correctly.
This will now also work when master's don't have master-mode rsc_location constraints

e28a080dfd88 stable-0.6 2008-09-02 18:28:15 Andrew Beekhof

High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Fix another case of filtering causing unmanaged master failures
The PE needs to do a full allocation run to ensure that unmanaged masters are
reallocated (and repromoted) to their current location and thus monitored correctly.

4983a23d50fe stable-0.6 2008-09-02 17:56:17 Andrew Beekhof

High: PE: Monitors for unmanaged resources don't need to wait for start/promote/demote actions to complete

e53ac2a7c1c4 stable-0.6 2008-09-02 17:12:11 Andrew Beekhof

Low: stonith: Remove pointless (removed) indirection macro - just use malloc directly

696f11a0ea57 stable-0.6 2008-09-02 02:27:00 Andrew Beekhof

High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Umanaged mode prevents master resources from being allocated correctly
We were filtering the list of allowed nodes which prevented the master instance
from being allocated as a Master again which caused the wrong monitor action
to be scheduled and subsequent failure.

4583e7a32454 stable-0.6 2008-09-02 02:24:19 Andrew Beekhof

Low: PE: Better logging for unmanaged resources

c66ee4fbcfb8 stable-0.6 2008-09-02 01:10:06 Andrew Beekhof

Dev: Core: Fix lmb's last patch

c64987fbd9ff stable-0.6 2008-09-01 19:13:43 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: PE: Bug LF:1950 - Notifications do not contain all documented resource state fields
The PE was only populating OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_notify_(active,inactive,master,slave)_resource
attributes when the resource was not changing state. Instead it should do so unconditionally.

8288ed00232f stable-0.6 2008-09-01 17:44:02 Andrew Beekhof

High: Core: cl_malloc and friends were removed from Heartbeat

3078d4e01304 stable-0.6 2008-08-27 17:17:46 Andrew Beekhof

Hg: Merge with dejan

05083e0dae44 stable-0.6 2008-08-25 16:00:44 Andrew Beekhof

Added tag Pacemaker-0.6.6 for changeset 5f189309e5e4

5f189309e5e4 stable-0.6 Pacemaker-0.6.6 2008-08-24 18:08:37 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: stonith: Fix compilation without full heartbeat install

c9491f9e14f9 stable-0.6 2008-08-24 17:14:53 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: stonith: Fix compilation without full heartbeat install

896a2a922f75 stable-0.6 2008-08-23 23:33:01 Dejan Muhamedagic

Low: stonithd: improve error reporting

c51a9c4ccd33 stable-0.6 2008-08-23 05:20:51 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Fix installation of pacemaker.lcrso

9312934d3beb stable-0.6 2008-08-23 03:23:16 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Debian - removed unneeded build dependancies

8ab58ae2fb27 stable-0.6 2008-08-23 03:12:35 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Fix installation of pacemaker.lcrso

52735a3401cd stable-0.6 2008-08-23 02:43:34 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: Build: Fix building when heartbeat support is disabled

9def66b478d4 stable-0.6 2008-08-23 01:12:46 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Debnian - Specify an explicit libdir

f10e2e0d1d27 stable-0.6 2008-08-22 21:04:42 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: Build: Fix building with builtin ltdl libs

69ebf61a8f6e stable-0.6 2008-08-22 16:22:59 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Fix OBS helpers

c84bcac4c1f0 stable-0.6 2008-08-22 16:20:35 Andrew Beekhof

Low: ais: Remove development logging

37b7b2fc68ce stable-0.6 2008-08-22 16:15:53 Andrew Beekhof

Low: ais: Rename the pacemaker plugin

1d8c8dfc87a5 stable-0.6 2008-08-22 16:15:20 Andrew Beekhof

High: ais: Move the service id definition to a common location and make sure it is always used

2100fd0ea407 stable-0.6 2008-08-22 16:13:40 Andrew Beekhof

Low: cts: Update the search patterns for ais

81e3b564e376 stable-0.6 2008-08-21 21:50:46 Andrew Beekhof

Low: Build: Debian - Require heartbeat >= 2.99

c757a1a5f140 stable-0.6 2008-08-18 17:13:26 Andrew Beekhof

Hg: Merge with dejan

1adb80577331 stable-0.6 2008-08-18 17:13:13 Andrew Beekhof

Medium: ais: Use the agreed service number

2d516888d27c stable-0.6 2008-08-18 17:12:22 Andrew Beekhof

High: PE: Make sure orphaned clone children are created correctly
Another case of assuming that the clone contained only primitive resources.

4db9075e6bad stable-0.6 2008-08-17 03:15:22 Dejan Muhamedagic

Medium: stonithd: exit with better code on empty host list

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