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pm_crmgen: Liste der Commits

※リポジトリは、https://github.com/linux-ha-japan/pm_crmgen-1.0 へ移行しました。

Pacemaker 1.0 設定編集ツール

Heartbeat-2.1.4 用 hb-cibgen(*) の Pacemaker対応版。
(*) http://sourceforge.jp/projects/linux-ha/releases/?package_id=10290

Rev. Zeit Autor
a13aef54b72e tip 2013-04-04 10:27:47 Tomoya NOZAWA

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.3-1 for changeset cea078e97986

9a1a2c2f1125 2013-04-04 10:26:54 <nozawatm@sc14...>

Removed tag pm_crmgen-1.3-1

32a8460297be 2013-04-04 10:26:14 <nozawatm@sc14...>

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.3-1 for changeset cea078e97986

cea078e97986 pm_crmgen-1.3-1 2013-02-15 06:36:23 Tomoya NOZAWA

Updated a version to 1.3

7d82c4a1e57e 2013-02-14 15:33:02 Takatoshi MATSUO

improve excel format

- add crmd-transition-delay
- change stonith-timeout sample value (sample)
- add interval,attempts,timeout parameter in pingd (sample)
- add option parameter in diskd (sample)

93cffcd7acc8 2012-02-09 08:36:54 Kazunori INOUE

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.2-1 for changeset 5f54b701f9a9

5f54b701f9a9 pm_crmgen-1.2-1 2011-12-14 14:33:11 Kazunori INOUE

Update versions

c099f7015805 2011-12-14 14:32:40 Kazunori INOUE

Add adduuid file for 'node' command when Heartbeat is used

1a2323558547 2011-09-28 14:28:01 Kazunori INOUE

Support 'id_spec' through the 'location' command

db984fa29015 2011-09-28 14:27:40 Kazunori INOUE

Support 'op_defaults' command

58f4c093ce3a 2011-09-28 14:27:08 Kazunori INOUE

Support 'utilization' and 'operations' keyword through the 'primitive' command

85063899d580 2011-09-28 14:26:45 Kazunori INOUE

Disable the check of score value

31ecff0d0a82 2011-09-28 14:26:22 Kazunori INOUE

Support 'node' command

976946ce14e6 2011-06-13 14:44:10 Yoshihiko SATO

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.1-1 for changeset d872f9931e12

d872f9931e12 pm_crmgen-1.1-1 2011-05-17 12:34:52 Kazunori INOUE

Fixed making and the deletion of the link to pm_crmgen.py

d0f198339e65 2011-05-11 17:56:23 Kazunori INOUE

Support input-file of UTF-8

3ada10da4ba1 2011-05-11 17:55:36 Kazunori INOUE

Support 'ms' command

7a6c93240b48 2011-05-11 17:54:39 Kazunori INOUE

Removed tag pm_crmgen-1.1-1

caabcac266a8 2011-03-31 15:50:54 Kazunori INOUE

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.1-1 for changeset b4c5ccc1bb72

b4c5ccc1bb72 2011-03-31 15:50:52 Kazunori INOUE

Added LOCATION_EXPERT table for location command

2e69fc6c8b4e 2010-12-15 12:19:53 Yoshihiko SATO

Added tag pm_crmgen-1.0-1 for changeset 1772e70976d8

1772e70976d8 pm_crmgen-1.0-1 2010-09-27 13:35:38 Kazunori INOUE

Replaced the pm_crmgen_env.xls file

11daa4be1846 2010-09-27 13:30:09 Kazunori INOUE

Added the output condition of 'op'

cbfb189fceef 2010-09-09 15:50:21 Kazunori INOUE

Modify package version

c314208a6e2f 2010-08-25 12:05:14 Kazunori INOUE

remove function to output crm generation information

aa797e73b273 2010-08-25 12:04:39 Kazunori INOUE

Modify package name

3cd05783e601 2010-08-19 12:36:37 Kazunori INOUE

Changed the output of a colocation command (SCORE) for pingd and diskd

95f735f629e7 2010-08-19 12:35:30 Kazunori INOUE

Changed the output of a location command (rule) for pingd and diskd

ee3782e61ae6 2010-06-25 10:41:03 Kazunori INOUE

Add pm_crmgen_Env_1.00-1.xls file for packaging

53234afc8345 2010-06-22 20:30:15 Keisuke MORI

Initial commit for pm_crmgen - Pacemaker configuration tool

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