

There are many test automation tools based on Selenium, however, if a tester was not familiar with Selenium and Javascript, it would be hard for him/her to have any returns by using them. FT does not require any special skills, but just write down a test specification documents like decision table on Excel. Then the engine of FT will interpret the document, execute the tests and output the result as XUNIT formatted xml file.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert

Veröffentlicht: 2018-11-04 10:55
FT V1.06 (3 files Verstecken)


V1.06 provide to add minor features, as follows. - Caputure the image of a specific webelement - 2019 Japan holidays

V1.06は以下の機能追加を行っています。 -特定の画面要素をキャプチャーする。 -2019の祝日リスト


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