

Voreen is a rapid application development framework for the interactive visualization and analysis of multi-modal volumetric data sets. It provides GPU-based volume rendering and data analysis techniques and offers high flexibility when developing new analysis workflows in collaboration with domain experts. The Voreen framework consists of a multi-platform C++ library, which can be easily integrated into existing applications, and a Qt-based stand-alone application.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-02-03 01:07 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Fehlende Shader-Dateien wurden in die Binary-Distribution aufgenommen. Ein Absturz beim Öffnen-Workspace-Dateien mit der Übertragungsfunktion Editor sichtbar wurde behoben. Export-Transfer-Funktionen nun auch auf Unix-Plattformen mit nicht-POSIX locale. Darüber hinaus wurden einige kleinere Probleme behoben.
Tags: Maintenance Release
Missing shader files were added to the binary distribution. A crash when opening workspace files with the transfer function editor visible was fixed. Export of transfer functions now also works on Unix platforms with non-POSIX locale. In addition, several smaller issues were corrected.

Project Resources