

Tine 2.0 is a Web-based groupware solution that focuses on usability and correctness. To achieve these goals, the project uses usability experts and covers most of the code by unit tests. It contains support for contacts, tasks, calendar, email, CRM, VoIP integration, a time tracker, ActiveSync, and a flexible rights management system.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-07 07:23 Zurück zur Release-Liste
Milan (2012/03) Build 1

Ein major Release mit vielen neuen Features und Verbesserungen: die neue Filemanager Anwendung, Kontakt importieren, mehrere bearbeiten und Merge-Funktionen und Unterstützung für CaldDAV und CardDAV. Synchronisation mit mobilen Geräten wurde verbessert und ist stabiler. Die Filtersymbolleiste in allen Anwendungen kann effizienter mit neuen OR-Filter verwendet und in verwandten Datensätzen filtern.
Tags: Major feature enhancements, Major, Filemanager, caldav, Calendar, user interface enhancement, addressbook
A major release with many new features and improvements: the new Filemanager application, contact import, multiple edit and merge functionality, and CaldDAV and CardDAV support. Synchronization with mobile devices has been improved and is more stable. The filter toolbar in all applications can be used more efficiently with new OR filters and filtering in related records.

Project Resources