

RoadMap is a navigation program for Unix and PocketPC that displays street maps. Most of the maps are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only the US has a decent coverage at this time. A specific area can be displayed by entering a street address (street number, street name, city, and state). It interfaces with a GPS receiver through gpsd or the serial line to track the car position. It has been designed to be usable on a Linux desktop or laptop computer, or on a PDA (Linux or PocketPC).


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-11-14 22:56 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Dieses Release führt GPX-basierte Route / Track / Wegpunkt Einrichtungen, einschließlich der Strecken und-bearbeitung. Die Straßen sind jetzt auf dem Bildschirm markiert. Karten können angezeigt werden mit AGG Anti-Aliasing. Große Flexibilität UI-Erweiterungen. Ein neuer Konverter für kanadischen Karten. GPX-Format POI-Dateien werden unterstützt. Viele andere Änderungen.
Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements
This release introduces GPX-based route/track/waypoint facilities, including route creation and editing. Streets are now labeled on-screen. Maps can be displayed using AGG anti-aliasing. Major UI flexibility enhancements. A new converter for Canadian maps. GPX format POI files are supported. Many other changes.

Project Resources