

RT is an industrial-grade trouble ticketing system. It lets a group of people intelligently and efficiently manage requests submitted by a community of users. RT is used by systems administrators, customer support staffs, NOCs, developers, and even marketing departments to track issues, outages, bugs, requests, and all kinds of other things at thousands of sites around the world.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-06-18 17:23 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Der vollständige Changelog enthält mehr als 500 "interessant" Veränderungen und über 1000 verpflichtet. Der RT-UI wurde erneuert in XHTML und CSS. Die Benutzer haben die Möglichkeit, ihre RT Homepage anpassen und stellen Sie die Standardwerte Suchpräferenzen. Basic Berichterstattung und schematische Darstellungen, Erinnerungen auf Tickets, sind die Fähigkeit, benutzerdefinierte Felder und Link zu Inhalten aus anderen Systemen gehören, und lose Aktualisierung der benutzerdefinierte Felder hinzugefügt.
Tags: Release, Major feature enhancements
The full changelog contains over 500 "interesting" changes and over 1000 commits. The RT UI has been redone in XHTML and CSS. Users have the ability to customize their RT home page and set their default search preferences. Basic reporting and charting, reminders on tickets, the ability to make custom fields link to and include content from other systems, and bulk updating of custom fields have been added.

Project Resources