

PFinger is a highly configurable, secure and portable finger deamon. It is started by inetd but does not run as root. The service may be disabled for individual users by the administrator or by the users themselves. It offers configurable special files (e.g. a users PGP-Key could be retrieved with 'finger john.pgpkey@host), no printing of users home directory or shell and it also provides a graphical frontend that allows users to easily alter the output that will be sent, when they are fingerd.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-01-16 17:46

Der Finger-Client akzeptiert nun Benutzernamen beliebiger Länge, anstatt darauf beschränkt zu 100 Zeichen.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The finger client now accepts usernames of arbitrary length instead of being limited to 100 characters.

2002-12-19 10:31

Diese releaes behebt ein Problem, die es Angreifern DNS-Einträge können verwendet werden, um einen Pufferüberlauf zu machen.
Tags: Minor security fixes
This releaes fixes an issue where malicious DNS entries could be used to make a buffer overflow.

2001-12-19 20:16

Diese Version behebt ein lokaler Benutzer Sicherheitslücke und fügt rudimentäre ACL-Unterstützung.
Tags: Minor security fixes
This release fixes a local user vulnerability and adds rudimentary ACL

2001-04-27 22:50

Fixes für Speicherlecks und ein paar andere Fehler.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Fixes for memory leaks and a few other bugs.

2001-04-19 19:30

Diese Pressemitteilung enthält Dokumentation Verbesserungen und kleine Bugfixes.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release contains documentation improvements and small bug fixes.

Project Resources