

The Open Source Audio Library Project (OSALP) is a C++ class library that contains everything needed to build an audio application, including a powerful chaining concept so programmers can build by selecting the building blocks they desire and arranging them in a chain. The data will then be processed by pulling the data through the chain. It supports WAV, MP3, au, aiff, and aifc formats, and contains classes for playing, recording, time recording, editing, mixing, sample rate conversion, and spectrum display.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-08-13 15:55

Added aflibAudioBWFilter Klasse, die einen Butterworth-Filter bietet Bandpass, Band Reject, Tiefpass implementiert und High-Pass Filter. Added aflibAudioMemoryInput Klasse bietet die Möglichkeit, Audio-Daten in der Beginn einer Kette von Audio-Daten im Speicher einfügen. Added AFLIB_DATA_32S (32 Bit) unterzeichnet Datentyp. Die aflibAudioSampleRateCvt Klasse hat jetzt Lautstärkeregelung mit ihr verbunden sind. Verschiedene Bugs wurden ebenfalls behoben.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Added aflibAudioBWFilter class that implements a Butterworth filter providing band pass, band reject, low pass, and high pass filters. Added aflibAudioMemoryInput class providing the ability to insert audio data into the start of an audio chain from data in memory. Added AFLIB_DATA_32S (32 bit signed) data type. The aflibAudioSampleRateCvt class now has volume adjustment associated with it. Various bugs have also been fixed.

2001-05-22 10:08

Neu in der Version 0.7.1 ist die Unterstützung für FreeBSD, zahlreiche Bugfixes, neue Makefile-System, und ein neues MP3-Reader-Modul auf der Open-Source-Spreizung-Bibliothek aufgebaut.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
New in the 0.7.1 release is support for FreeBSD, numerous bug fixes, new Makefile system, and a new mp3 reader module based on the open source splay library.

2001-01-30 15:13
(OSALP) V 0.6

Diese Version enthält zahlreiche Bugfixes, mu-law und A-Law-Codecs für die AU-und WAV-Audio-Formate und ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Betrag der Änderung Pufferung von der Soundkarte durchgeführt.
This release includes numerous bugfixes, mu-law and a-law codecs for the AU and WAV audio formats, and allows you to change the amount of buffering performed by the sound card.

2001-01-30 15:13

Erste Beta-Version, mit Unterstützung für Solaris Sparc, sowie ein verbessertes Makefile und Installations-System.
First beta release, adding support for Solaris Sparc as well as an improved Makefile and install system.

2001-01-30 15:13

Automatische Konvertierung von Daten, Speicher-Caching, und Bugfixes.
Automatic data conversion, memory caching, and bugfixes.

Project Resources