

LibTMCG is a general purpose C++ library for
creating secure electronic card games. The most
remarkable feature is the absence of a trusted
third party (TTP), i.e. neither a central game
server nor trusted hardware components are
necessary. With the present library there is no
need for an independent referee, because the
applied protocols provide a basic level of
confidentiality and fairness by itself.
Consequently, the library is well-suited for
peer-to-peer (P2P) environments where no TTP is
available. The corresponding cryptographic
problem, actually called "Mental Poker", has been
studied since 1979 by many authors. LibTMCG
provides the first practical implementation of
such protocols.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-08-07 21:03

Kleine Bugfixes wurden angewandt, um mit gcc kompilieren 4.3.x.
Small bugfixes have been applied in order to compile with gcc 4.3.x.

2007-05-06 00:29

Ein großer Sicherheit Fehler wurde behoben. Dieser Fehler ermöglicht es einem Gegner zu trivialen Gruppe Generatoren wählen. Dieser Fehler hat einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Vertraulichkeit der persönlichen Karten. So werden alle Benutzer dringend empfohlen, zu aktualisieren LibTMCG so bald wie möglich.
Tags: Major security fixes
A major security bug was fixed. This bug allows an
adversary to choose trivial group generators. This
flaw has a crucial impact on the confidentiality
of private cards. Thus, all users are strongly
recommended to update LibTMCG as soon as possible.

2007-04-16 14:55

Einige Schnittstellen wurden geändert, damit die Schaffung von Tasten ohne inklusive nicht-interaktiven Zero-Knowledge-Beweis der Gültigkeit. Insbesondere ist es so bequemer, wenn der neue VTMF Codierung verwendet wird. Darüber hinaus wurden einige Optimierungen angewendet werden.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Some interfaces were changed to allow the creation
of keys without included non-interactive
zero-knowledge proof of validity. In particular,
this is more convenient whenever the new VTMF
encoding scheme is used. Further, some
optimizations have been applied.

2007-03-22 21:58

Eine kleine Schwäche wurde korrigiert, dass zu einer verzerrten shuffle unter Umständen haben kann. Beachten Sie, dass SecureSkat von diesem Problem nicht betroffen ist. Die Dokumentation wurde verbessert.
Tags: Minor security fixes
A small weakness was corrected that may have lead to a biased shuffle in some circumstances. Note that SecureSkat is not affected by this issue. The documentation has been improved.

2006-04-13 12:01

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources