

KeePass is a light-weight and easy-to-use password manager that removes the need for you to remember many different passwords and makes it more feasible to use different passwords for each account. It manages your passwords in a secure database encrypted with AES and Twofish, which is locked with one master key or a key file.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-05-14 14:36 Zurück zur Release-Liste

Support für Rechts-nach-links-Skripts wurde die Übersetzung System hinzugefügt. Der Platzhalter () HMACOTP wurde hinzugefügt, um HMAC-basierte Einmal-Passwörter, wie in RFC 4226 spezifiziert (das "Shared Secret ist die UTF-8-Darstellung des Werts der" HmacOtp-Secret "custom Eintrag String-Feld, und der Zähler generieren abgelegt in dezimaler Form in der "HmacOtp-Counter"-Feld). Auf Windows 7, KeePass zeigt nun eine "gesperrte" Overlay-Symbol in der Taskleiste-Taste, wenn die Datenbank gesperrt ist. Viele weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.
Support for right-to-left scripts was added to the translation system. The {HMACOTP} placeholder was added to generate HMAC-based one-time passwords as specified in RFC 4226 (the shared secret is the UTF-8 representation of the value of the "HmacOtp-Secret" custom entry string field, and the counter is stored in decimal form in the "HmacOtp-Counter" field). On Windows 7, KeePass now shows a "locked" overlay icon on the taskbar button when the database is locked. Many more changes were made.

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