

CorneliOS is an easy-to-use and cross-browser "Web Desktop Environment", "Web Operating System", or "Web Office" that comes with a set of cool applications. It includes a Content Management System (CMS) so that you can easily set up and manage your own website as well as a Database Management System that allows you to rapidly build any kind of database application.


Die Systemvoraussetzungen sind nicht definiert
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2013-02-13 06:54

Diese Version bietet ein neues CorneliOS Info Image API, neue CIOS Funktionen, aktualisierte CIOS Gemeinschaftsvorschriften, diverse CorneliOS und CIOS GUI Erweiterungen, eine Neuerung des CIOS Edu API-Text-Kommentar, verbesserte Statistiken für CIOS Edu API-Text, neue CorneliOS GUI-Elemente, Debuggen und Systemabbilder, Language Kits und Stylesheets aktualisiert.
This release offers a new CorneliOS info image API, new CIOS debugging features, updated CIOS community rules, various CorneliOS and CIOS GUI enhancements, a new CIOS Edu API text comment feature, improved CIOS Edu API text statistics, new CorneliOS GUI elements, and updated system images, language kits, and style sheets.

2013-02-06 09:51

Dieses Release bringt eine komplett überarbeitet CorneliOS SQL Mail app-Benutzeroberfläche, verschiedene CIOS Community Layer GUI Verbesserungen, verschiedene CIOS Shop API-Verbesserungen, neue CorneliOS Datum und Zeitoptionen API eine neue Text-Snapshot-Funktion CIOS Edu-API und aktualisierte System-Images, Language Kits und Stylesheets.
This release adds a completely-redesigned CorneliOS SQL mail app user interface,
various CIOS Community Layer GUI enhancements,
various CIOS Shop API enhancements,
new CorneliOS date and time API options,
a new CIOS Edu API text snapshot feature,
and updated system images,
language kits,
and stylesheets.

2013-01-30 07:13

Diese Version bietet CorneliOS ExtHTML Parser Verbesserungen, verschiedene CIOS Edu API GUI und kollaborative Schriftsteller Verbesserungen, diverse Erweiterungen der CIOS Community Layer Medienmanager, neue CIOS IO-API-Funktionen, und aktualisierte System-Images, Language Kits und Stylesheets.
This release offers CorneliOS ExtHTML parser enhancements, various CIOS Edu API GUI and collaborative writer enhancements, various CIOS Community Layer Media Manager enhancements, new CIOS IO API features, and updated system images, language kits, and style sheets.

2013-01-23 11:37

Dieses Release bringt diverse CIOS Shop API-Erweiterungen, verschiedene CIOS GUI verbesserte und aktualisierte System-Images, Sprache-Kits und Stylesheets.
This release adds various CIOS Shop API enhancements,
various CIOS GUI enhancements, and
updated system images,
language kits,
and stylesheets.

2013-01-17 06:53

Diese Version bietet verschiedene CIOS Community Layer GUI Verbesserungen, CIOS Media Manager Erweiterungen, CorneliOS Seite Navigation GUI Verbesserungen, und aktualisierte System-Images, Language Kits und Stylesheets.
This release offers various CIOS Community Layer GUI enhancements, CIOS Media Manager enhancements, CorneliOS page navigation GUI enhancements, and updated system images, language kits, and stylesheets.

Project Resources