

Armadillo is a C++ linear algebra library (matrix maths) aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. The API is deliberately similar to Matlab's. Integer, floating point, and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS numerics libraries. A delayed evaluation approach, based on template meta-programming, is used (during compile time) to combine several operations into one and reduce or eliminate the need for temporaries.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-08 08:52

Diese Version behebt ein Problem in Vektor-Initialisierung. Es fügt auch eine Funktion für die Größenänderung von Matrizen und gleichzeitig das Layout der Daten.
Tags: Enhancements, Bugfixes, Stable
This release fixes an issue in vector initialization. It also adds a function for resizing matrices while preserving the layout of the data.

2011-12-05 12:39

Diese Version hat schnellere Handhabung von Ausdrücken mit diagonalen Ansichten.
Tags: Speedups, Stable
This release has faster handling of expressions with diagonal views.

2011-11-29 07:39

Diese Version hat Fixes für Probleme auf den letzten Ubuntu und Debian-Systemen verknüpfen. Es hat auch Korrekturen für Inkonsistenzen in Interaktionen zwischen Matrizen und Cubes.
Tags: Bugfixes, Beta
This release has fixes for linking issues on recent Ubuntu and Debian systems. It also has fixes for inconsistencies in interactions between matrices and cubes.

2011-11-15 07:50

Diese Veröffentlichung fügt kürzeren Formen der setzt, optionale Verwendung von 64-Bit-Indizes und experimentelle Unterstützung für C ++ 11 Initialisiererlisten. Es behebt auch Handhabung von Ausdrücken mit Aliasing und Teilmatrizen.
Tags: Beta, Bugfixes, Speedups
This release adds shorter forms of transposes, optional use of 64-bit indices, and experimental support for C++11 initializer lists. It also fixes handling of expressions with aliasing and submatrices.

2011-09-01 07:30

Diese Version behebt ein Problem in der Geschwindigkeit as_scalar ()-Funktion.
Tags: Stable, Bugfixes
This release fixes a speed issue in the as_scalar() function.

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