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Revision99 (tree)
Zeit2013-05-03 16:07:43

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--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/AssemblyInfo.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/AssemblyInfo.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
1-using System.Reflection;
2-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
5-// アセンブリに関する一般情報は以下の
6-// 属性セットを通して制御されます。アセンブリに関連付けられている
7-// 情報を変更するには、これらの属性値を変更してください。
9-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("NeoFT DirectDraw")]
10-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("NeoFreeTrain DirectDraw library")]
11-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
12-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("c477")]
13-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("NeoFT")]
14-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("(C)Copyright by c477 & K.Kawaguchi, 2004")]
15-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
16-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
19-// アセンブリのバージョン情報は、以下の 4 つの属性で構成されます :
21-// Major Version
22-// Minor Version
23-// Build Number
24-// Revision
26-// 下にあるように、'*' を使って、すべての値を指定するか、
27-// ビルドおよびリビジョン番号を既定値にすることができます。
29-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
32-// アセンブリに署名するには、使用するキーを指定しなければなりません。
33-// アセンブリ署名に関する詳細については、Microsoft .NET Framework ドキュメントを参照してください。
35-// 下記の属性を使って、署名に使うキーを制御します。
37-// メモ :
38-// (*) キーが指定されないと、アセンブリは署名されません。
39-// (*) KeyName は、コンピュータにインストールされている
40-// 暗号サービス プロバイダ (CSP) のキーを表します。KeyFile は、
41-// キーを含むファイルです。
42-// (*) KeyFile および KeyName の値が共に指定されている場合は、
43-// 以下の処理が行われます :
44-// (1) KeyName が CSP に見つかった場合、そのキーが使われます。
45-// (2) KeyName が存在せず、KeyFile が存在する場合、
46-// KeyFile にあるキーが CSP にインストールされ、使われます。
47-// (*) KeyFile を作成するには、sn.exe (厳密な名前) ユーティリティを使ってください。
48-// KeyFile を指定するとき、KeyFile の場所は、
49-// プロジェクト出力 ディレクトリへの相対パスでなければなりません。
50-// パスは、%Project Directory%\obj\<configuration> です。たとえば、KeyFile がプロジェクト ディレクトリにある場合、
51-// AssemblyKeyFile 属性を
52-// [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\mykey.snk")] として指定します。
53-// (*) 遅延署名は高度なオプションです。
54-// 詳細については Microsoft .NET Framework ドキュメントを参照してください。
56-[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
57-[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
58-[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/Util.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/Util.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Drawing;
3-using System.Collections;
4-using nft.framework.drawing;
5-using DxVBLib;
7-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
9- internal class Util
10- {
11- public const int OPAQUE_KEY = 0x01000000;
13- internal static RECT toRECT( Rectangle srcRect )
14- {
15- RECT r = new RECT();
16- r.Left = srcRect.Left;
17- r.Top = srcRect.Top;
18- r.Right = srcRect.Right;
19- r.Bottom= srcRect.Bottom;
20- return r;
21- }
22- internal static RECT toRECT( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) {
23- RECT r = new RECT();
24- r.Left = x1;
25- r.Top = y1;
26- r.Right = x2;
27- r.Bottom= y2;
28- return r;
29- }
30- internal static RECT toRECT( Point pt, Size sz ) {
31- RECT r = new RECT();
32- r.Left = pt.X;
33- r.Top = pt.Y;
34- r.Right = pt.X+sz.Width;
35- r.Bottom= pt.Y+sz.Height;
36- return r;
37- }
38- internal static Rectangle toRectangle( RECT r ) {
39- return new Rectangle( r.Left, r.Top, r.Right-r.Left, r.Bottom-r.Top );
40- }
42- /// <summary>
43- /// Compute the intersection of two RECTs.
44- /// </summary>
45- internal static RECT intersect( RECT a, RECT b ) {
46- RECT r = new RECT();
47- r.Left = Math.Max( a.Left, b.Left );
48- r.Top = Math.Max( a.Top, b.Top );
49- r.Right = Math.Min( a.Right, b.Right );
50- r.Bottom = Math.Min( a.Bottom, b.Bottom );
51- return r;
52- }
54- /// <summary>
55- /// Clip two rectangles by the clipping region.
56- ///
57- /// </summary>
58- internal static void clip( ref RECT dst, ref RECT src, RECT clip ) {
59- int t;
61- // compute new dst.Left
62- t = Math.Max( dst.Left, clip.Left );
63- src.Left += (t-dst.Left);
64- dst.Left = t; // dst.Left += (t-dst.Left)
66- t = Math.Max( dst.Top, clip.Top );
67- src.Top += (t-dst.Top);
68- dst.Top = t;
70- t = Math.Min( dst.Right, clip.Right );
71- src.Right += (t-dst.Right);
72- dst.Right = t;
74- t = Math.Min( dst.Bottom, clip.Bottom );
75- src.Bottom += (t-dst.Bottom);
76- dst.Bottom = t;
77- }
79- /// <summary>
80- /// Clipping in a vflip mode.
81- ///
82- /// In this mode, clipping is done as:
83- ///
84- /// ###--- ------
85- /// ###--- => ###---
86- /// ------ ###---
87- /// </summary>
88- /// <param name="dst"></param>
89- /// <param name="src"></param>
90- /// <param name="clip"></param>
91- internal static void clipVflip( ref RECT dst, ref RECT src, RECT clip ) {
92- int t;
94- // compute new dst.Left
95- t = Math.Max( dst.Left, clip.Left );
96- src.Left += (t-dst.Left);
97- dst.Left = t; // dst.Left += (t-dst.Left)
99- t = Math.Max( dst.Top, clip.Top );
100- src.Bottom -= (t-dst.Top); // different than the clip method
101- dst.Top = t;
103- t = Math.Min( dst.Right, clip.Right );
104- src.Right += (t-dst.Right);
105- dst.Right = t;
107- t = Math.Min( dst.Bottom, clip.Bottom );
108- src.Top -= (t-dst.Bottom); // different than the clip method
109- dst.Bottom = t;
110- }
112- internal static void PrepareDesc(ref DrawingDesc desc, DD7Surface dstSurf, ref DDSURFACEDESC2 dstSD, ref RECT dstRegion,
113- DD7Surface srcSurf, ref DDSURFACEDESC2 srcSD, ref RECT srcRegion, Scaler scale ) {
115- double zoomCount = scale.Scale(1.0);
116- int skip;
117- if( zoomCount > 0 ) {
118- skip = 0;
119- desc.Stretch = (int)zoomCount-1;
120- desc.ColumnSteps = srcRegion.Right-srcRegion.Left;
121- desc.RowSteps = srcRegion.Bottom-srcRegion.Top;
122- //dstRegion.Width *= 1+zoomCount;
123- //dstRegion.Height *= 1+zoomCount;
124- }
125- else {
126- desc.Stretch = 0;
127- skip = 1-(int)(1.0/zoomCount);
128- //dstRegion.Width /= 1-zoomCount;
129- //dstRegion.Height /= 1-zoomCount;
130- desc.ColumnSteps = dstRegion.Right-dstRegion.Left;
131- desc.RowSteps = dstRegion.Bottom-dstRegion.Top;
132- }
133- PreparePixelBuffer(ref desc.Dest, dstSurf, dstSD, ref dstRegion, 0 );
134- PreparePixelBuffer(ref desc.Src, srcSurf, srcSD, ref srcRegion, skip );
135- }
137- internal static void PreparePixelBuffer(ref PixelBuffer pb, DD7Surface surface, DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd, ref RECT region, int skip ) {
138- if(surface.ColorKey == Color.Empty)
139- pb.ColorKey = OPAQUE_KEY;
140- else
141- pb.ColorKey = (int)surface.colorKeyValue;
142- pb.Mode = surface.PixelColorMode;
143- pb.RowPitch = ddsd.lPitch;
144- pb.PixelPitch = (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount+1)>>3;
145- pb.PixelMask = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask|ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask|ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask;
146- pb.lpOffset = ddsd.lpSurface + region.Left*pb.PixelPitch + region.Top*pb.RowPitch;
147- if(skip>0) {
148- pb.PixelPitch *= (1+skip);
149- pb.RowPitch *= (1+skip);
150- }
151- //pb.LowPadding = ?;
152- }
153- }
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Control.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Control.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Collections;
3-using System.ComponentModel;
4-using System.Drawing;
5-using System.Data;
6-using System.Diagnostics;
7-using System.Windows.Forms;
8-using DxVBLib;
9-using nft.framework.drawing;
11-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
13- /// <summary>
14- /// DD7Control の概要の説明です。
15- /// </summary>
16- public class DD7Control : DrawableControl
17- {
18- /// <summary>
19- /// 必要なデザイナ変数です。
20- /// </summary>
21- private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
22- private WindowedDDraw7 winDDraw7;
24- public DD7Control()
25- {
26- // この呼び出しは、Windows.Forms フォーム デザイナで必要です。
27- InitializeComponent();
29- }
31- protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) {
32- base.OnLoad (e);
33- winDDraw7 = new WindowedDDraw7(this);
34- }
36- public override ISurfaceOld Surface { get { return winDDraw7.PrimarySurface; } }
38- /// <summary>
39- /// 使用されているリソースに後処理を実行します。
40- /// </summary>
41- protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
42- {
43- if(winDDraw7!=null)
44- winDDraw7.Dispose();
45- if( disposing )
46- {
47- if(components != null)
48- {
49- components.Dispose();
50- }
51- }
52- base.Dispose( disposing );
53- }
55- #region コンポーネント デザイナで生成されたコード
56- /// <summary>
57- /// デザイナ サポートに必要なメソッドです。このメソッドの内容を
58- /// コード エディタで変更しないでください。
59- /// </summary>
60- private void InitializeComponent()
61- {
62- components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
63- }
64- #endregion
65- }
67- /// <summary>
68- /// DirectDraw with the primary surface to the window of
69- /// the specified control.
70- /// </summary>
71- /// <remarks>this class is originaly implemented by K.Kawaguchi</remarks>
72- class WindowedDDraw7 : DDraw7 {
73- private PrimarySurface primary;
74- public DD7Surface PrimarySurface { get { return primary; } }
76- public WindowedDDraw7( Control control ) {
80- primary = new PrimarySurface(handle.CreateSurface(ref sd), control);
81- // attach window clipper
82- DirectDrawClipper cp = handle.CreateClipper(0);
83- cp.SetHWnd( control.Handle.ToInt32() );
84- primary.NativeSurface.SetClipper(cp);
85- }
87- public override void Dispose() {
88- primary.Dispose();
89- primary=null;
90- }
92- private void control_BoundsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
93- Control c = sender as Control;
94- Point p = c.PointToScreen(new Point(0));
95- primary.ClipRect = new Rectangle(p,c.Size);
96- }
98- }
99- class PrimarySurface : DD7Surface {
100- private Control control;
102- public PrimarySurface(DirectDrawSurface7 surface, Control c) : base(surface){
103- this.control = c;
104- }
106- protected Rectangle controlBorder(){
107- Point p = control.PointToScreen(new Point(0));
108- Debug.WriteLine(new Rectangle(p,control.Size));
109- return new Rectangle(p,control.Size);
110- }
112- public override RECT ClipRECT {
113- get {
114- return Util.toRECT(controlBorder());
115- }
116- set {
117- // invalid operation
118- base.ClipRECT = value;
119- }
120- }
122- public override Rectangle ClipRect {
123- get {
124- return controlBorder();
125- }
126- set {
127- // invalid operation
128- base.ClipRect = value;
129- }
130- }
132- public override void Dispose() {
133- base.Dispose ();
134- control = null;
135- }
137- }
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/SurfaceDrawerImpl.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/SurfaceDrawerImpl.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,912 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
3-using System.Drawing;
4-using System.Drawing.Imaging;
5-using System.Diagnostics;
6-using DxVBLib;
7-using nft.framework.drawing;
9-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
12- #region Intersecter
13- class IntersectDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
14- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
15- /*
16- int mask;
17- switch(desc.Dest.Mode){
18- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
19- mask = 0xf7de;
20- break;
21- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
22- mask = 0x7bde;
23- break;
24- default:
25- mask = 0xfefefe;
26- break;
27- }
28- */
29- if(desc.Stretch>0)
30- BltIntersectStretch(ref desc);
31- else
32- BltIntersect(ref desc);
33- }
35- private static unsafe void BltIntersect(ref DrawingDesc desc){
36- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
37- Int32 colKey2 = desc.Dest.ColorKey;
38- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
39- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
40- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
41- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
42- int y = 0;
43- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
44- //
45- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
46- //
47- int x = 0;
48- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
49- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
50- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
51- // Read in the next source pixel.
52- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
53- vSrc &= pixMask;
54- // If the source pixel is not black ...
55- if ( vSrc != colKey ) {
56- // ... read in the next target pixel.
57- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
58- if( ( vDst & pixMask ) != colKey2 ){
59- // Write the destination pixel.
60- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
61- }
62- }
63- // Proceed to the next pixel.
64- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
65- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
66- }
67- // Proceed to the next line.
68- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
69- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
70- };
71- }
73- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
74- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
75- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
76- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
77- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
78- };
79- private static unsafe void BltIntersectStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc){
80- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
81- Int32 colKey2 = desc.Dest.ColorKey;
82- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
83- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
84- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
85- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
86- n++;
87- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
88- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
89- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
90- n*=n;
91- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
92- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
93- int y = 0;
94- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
95- //
96- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
97- //
98- int x = 0;
99- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
100- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
101- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
102- // Read in the next source pixel.
103- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
104- vSrc &= pixMask;
105- // If the source pixel is not black ...
106- if ( vSrc != colKey ) {
107- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
108- int c = n;
109- int p = pattern;
110- while(c-->0){
111- // ... read in the next target pixel.
112- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst3 );
113- if(( vDst & pixMask ) != colKey2 ) {
114- // Write the destination pixel.
115- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
116- }
117- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
118- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
119- p>>=1;
120- }
121- }
122- // Proceed to the next pixel.
123- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
124- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
125- }
126- // Proceed to the next line.
127- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
128- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
129- }; }
130- }
132- #endregion
134- #region HalfAlpha
135- class HalfAlphaDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
136- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
137- int mask;
138- switch(desc.Dest.Mode){
139- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
140- mask = 0xf7de;
141- break;
142- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
143- mask = 0x7bde;
144- break;
145- default:
146- mask = 0xfefefe;
147- break;
148- }
149- if(desc.Stretch>0)
150- BltStretch(ref desc, mask);
151- else
152- Blt(ref desc, mask);
153- }
155- private static unsafe void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc, int mask){
156- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
157- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
158- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
159- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
160- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
161- int y = 0;
162- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
163- //
164- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
165- //
166- int x = 0;
167- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
168- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
169- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
170- // Read in the next source pixel.
171- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
172- // If the source pixel is not black ...
173- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
174- // ... read in the next target pixel.
175- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
177- // Calculate the destination pixel.
178- vSrc = ( ( vDst & mask ) + ( vSrc & mask ))>> 1;
179- // Write the destination pixel.
180- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
181- }
182- // Proceed to the next pixel.
183- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
184- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
185- }
186- // Proceed to the next line.
187- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
188- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
189- };
190- }
192- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
193- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
194- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
195- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
196- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
197- };
198- private static unsafe void BltStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc, int mask){
199- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
200- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
201- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
202- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
203- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
204- n++;
205- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
206- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
207- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
208- n*=n;
209- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
210- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
211- int y = 0;
212- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
213- //
214- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
215- //
216- int x = 0;
217- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
218- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
219- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
220- // Read in the next source pixel.
221- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
222- // If the source pixel is not black ...
223- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
224- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
225- int c = n;
226- int p = pattern;
227- vSrc &= mask;
228- while(c-->0){
229- // ... read in the next target pixel.
230- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst3 );
231- // Calculate the destination pixel.
232- Int32 vTmp = ( ( vDst & mask ) + vSrc)>> 1;
233- // Write the destination pixel.
234- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vTmp;
235- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
236- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
237- p>>=1;
238- }
239- }
240- // Proceed to the next pixel.
241- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
242- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
243- }
244- // Proceed to the next line.
245- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
246- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
247- }; }
248- }
250- #endregion
252- #region SelectBrighter
253- class SelectBrighterDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
254- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
255- int mask;
256- int depth;
257- switch(desc.Dest.Mode){
258- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
259- mask = 0xf7de;
260- depth = 5;
261- break;
262- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
263- mask = 0x7bde;
264- depth = 5;
265- break;
266- default:
267- mask = 0xfefefe;
268- depth = 8;
269- break;
270- }
271- if(desc.Stretch>0)
272- BltStretch(ref desc, mask, depth);
273- else
274- Blt(ref desc, mask,depth);
275- }
277- private static unsafe void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc, int mask, int depth){
278- Int32 channelMask = (1<<depth)-1;
279- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
280- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
281- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
282- Int32 flg = (~mask)&(pixMask<<1);
283- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
284- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
285- int y = 0;
286- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
287- //
288- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
289- //
290- int x = 0;
291- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
292- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
293- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
294- // Read in the next source pixel.
295- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
296- // If the source pixel is not black ...
297- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
298- vSrc &= mask;
299- // ... read in the next target pixel.
300- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
301- Int32 vDst2 = vDst&mask;
302- // Calculate the destination pixel.
303- Int32 work = vDst2|flg;
304- work -= vSrc;
305- work &= flg;
306- work *= channelMask;
307- work >>= depth;
309- vSrc = (vDst2&work) + (vSrc&~work);
310- // Write the destination pixel.
311- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
312- }
313- // Proceed to the next pixel.
314- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
315- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
316- }
317- // Proceed to the next line.
318- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
319- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
320- };
321- }
323- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
324- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
325- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
326- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
327- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
328- };
329- private static unsafe void BltStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc, int mask, int depth){
330- Int32 channelMask = (1<<depth)-1;
331- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
332- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
333- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
334- Int32 flg = (~mask)&(pixMask<<1);
335- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
336- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
337- n++;
338- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
339- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
340- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
341- n*=n;
342- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
343- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
344- int y = 0;
345- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
346- //
347- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
348- //
349- int x = 0;
350- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
351- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
352- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
353- // Read in the next source pixel.
354- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
355- // If the source pixel is not black ...
356- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
357- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
358- int c = n;
359- int p = pattern;
360- vSrc &= mask;
361- while(c-->0){
362- // ... read in the next target pixel.
363- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst3 );
364- Int32 vDst2 = vDst&mask;
365- // Calculate the destination pixel.
366- Int32 work = vDst2|flg;
367- work -= vSrc;
368- work &= flg;
369- work *= channelMask;
370- work >>= depth;
372- work = (vDst2&work) + (vSrc&~work);
373- // Write the destination pixel.
374- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|work;
375- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
376- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
377- p>>=1;
378- }
379- }
380- // Proceed to the next pixel.
381- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
382- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
383- }
384- // Proceed to the next line.
385- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
386- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
387- }; }
388- }
390- #endregion
392- #region ColorBurn
393- class ColorBurnDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
394- protected float apply;
395- protected Color color;
396- protected PixelColorMode prev = PixelColorMode.Unknown;
397- protected Int32[] masks = new Int32[4];
399- public ColorBurnDrawer(Color col, float apply){
400- this.apply = apply;
401- this.color = col;
402- }
404- public ColorBurnDrawer() : this(Color.Black,0.5f){
405- }
407- public float Apply {
408- get{ return apply; }
409- set{ apply = value; prev = PixelColorMode.Unknown; }
410- }
412- public Color BurnColor {
413- get{ return color; }
414- set{ color = value; prev = PixelColorMode.Unknown; }
415- }
417- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
418- if(prev != desc.Dest.Mode){
419- prev = desc.Dest.Mode;
420- int v = (int)(255*apply)&255;
421- int R = (int)(color.R*apply);
422- int G = (int)(color.G*apply);
423- int B = (int)(color.B*apply);
424- switch(desc.Dest.Mode){
425- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
426- masks[0] = 0xf7de;
427- masks[1] = (v&0xf8)<<3;
428- v = (v&0xf0)>>3;
429- masks[1] |= (v<<11) + v;
430- masks[2] = (G&0xfc)<<3;
431- masks[2] |=(R&0xf8)<<8;
432- masks[2] |=(B>>3);
433- masks[3] = 5;
434- break;
435- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
436- masks[0] = 0x7bde;
437- v = (v&0xf0)>>3;
438- masks[1] = v + (v<<5)+ (v<<10);
439- masks[2] = (R&0xf8)<<8;
440- masks[2] |= (G&0xf8)<<2;
441- masks[2] |= (B>>3);
442- masks[3] = 5;
443- break;
444- default:
445- masks[0] = 0xfefefe;
446- masks[1] = v + (v<<8) + (v<<16);
447- masks[1] &= masks[0];
448- masks[2] = (R<<16)|(G<<8)|B;
449- masks[3] = 8;
450- break;
451- }
452- }
453- if(desc.Stretch>0)
454- BltStretch(ref desc , ref masks);
455- else
456- Blt(ref desc, ref masks);
457- }
459- private static unsafe void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc, ref Int32[] masks){
460- Int32 channelMask = (1<<masks[3])-1;
461- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
462- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
463- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
464- Int32 flg = (~masks[0])&(pixMask<<1);
465- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
466- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
467- int y = 0;
468- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
469- //
470- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
471- //
472- int x = 0;
473- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
474- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
475- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
476- // Read in the next source pixel.
477- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
478- // If the source pixel is not black ...
479- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
480- // ... read in the next target pixel.
481- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
483- // Calculate the destination pixel.
484- vSrc &= masks[0];
485- vSrc -= masks[1];
486- Int32 work = vSrc&flg;
487- work *= channelMask;
488- work >>= masks[3];
490- vSrc &= ~work;
491- vSrc += masks[2];
492- // Write the destination pixel.
493- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|(vSrc&pixMask);
494- }
495- // Proceed to the next pixel.
496- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
497- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
498- }
499- // Proceed to the next line.
500- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
501- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
502- };
503- }
505- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
506- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
507- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
508- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
509- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
510- };
511- private static unsafe void BltStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc, ref Int32[] masks){
512- Int32 channelMask = (1<<masks[3])-1;
513- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
514- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
515- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
516- Int32 flg = (~masks[0])&(pixMask<<1);
517- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
518- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
519- n++;
520- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
521- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
522- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
523- n*=n;
524- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
525- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
526- int y = 0;
527- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
528- //
529- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
530- //
531- int x = 0;
532- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
533- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
534- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
535- // Read in the next source pixel.
536- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
537- // If the source pixel is not black ...
538- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
539- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
540- int c = n;
541- int p = pattern;
542- // Calculate the destination pixel.
543- vSrc &= masks[0];
544- vSrc -= masks[1];
545- Int32 work = vSrc&flg;
546- work *= channelMask;
547- work >>= masks[3];
549- vSrc &= ~work;
550- vSrc += masks[2];
551- while(c-->0){
552- // ... read in the next target pixel.
553- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
554- // Write the destination pixel.
555- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|(vSrc&pixMask);
556- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
557- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
558- p>>=1;
559- }
560- }
561- // Proceed to the next pixel.
562- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
563- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
564- }
565- // Proceed to the next line.
566- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
567- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
568- }; }
569- }
571- #endregion
573- #region MonoColor
574- class MonoColorDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
575- protected Color color;
576- protected PixelColorMode prev = PixelColorMode.Unknown;
577- protected Int32[] masks = new Int32[6];
578- protected long workval;
579- protected long workmask;
581- public MonoColorDrawer(Color col){
582- this.color = col;
583- }
585- public MonoColorDrawer() : this(Color.White){
586- }
588- public Color DrawColor {
589- get{ return color; }
590- set{ color = value; prev = PixelColorMode.Unknown; }
591- }
593- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
594- if(prev != desc.Dest.Mode){
595- prev = desc.Dest.Mode;
597- switch(desc.Dest.Mode){
598- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
599- masks[0] = 0xe7dc;
600- masks[1] = 11;
601- masks[2] = 6;
602- masks[3] = 0x1f;
603- masks[4] = 5;
604- workval = ((long)color.G<<20)+(color.R<<8)+(color.B>>3);
605- workmask = 0xf80f81f;
606- workval&=workmask;
607- break;
608- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
609- masks[0] = 0x73dc;
610- masks[1] = 10;
611- masks[2] = 5;
612- masks[3] = 0x1f;
613- masks[4] = 5;
614- workval = ((long)color.G<<17)+(color.R<<7)+(color.B>>3);
615- workmask = 0x1f07c1f;
616- workval&=workmask;
617- break;
618- default:
619- masks[0] = 0xfcfefc;
620- masks[1] = 16;
621- masks[2] = 8;
622- masks[3] = 0xff;
623- masks[4] = 8;
624- workval = ((long)color.G<<32)+(color.R<<16)+(color.B);
625- workmask = 0xff00ff00ff;
626- break;
627- }
628- }
629- //Debug.WriteLine(" v: " + workval.ToString("X"));
630- if(desc.Stretch>0)
631- BltStretch(ref desc , ref masks, workval, workmask);
632- else
633- Blt(ref desc, ref masks, workval, workmask);
634- }
636- private static unsafe void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc, ref Int32[] masks, long val, long mask){
637- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
638- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
639- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
640- int shift = (masks[1]<<1) - masks[4];
641- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
642- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
643- int y = 0;
644- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
645- //
646- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
647- //
648- int x = 0;
649- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
650- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
651- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
652- // Read in the next source pixel.
653- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
654- // If the source pixel is not black ...
655- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
656- // ... read in the next target pixel.
657- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
658- // Calculate the destination pixel.
659- vSrc &= masks[0];
660- Int32 work = vSrc + (vSrc>>masks[1]);
661- work >>=1;
662- work &= masks[3];
663- work += vSrc>>masks[2];
664- work >>=1;
665- work &= masks[3];
666- //vSrc = 0x010101 * work;
667- long v = val * work;
668- v >>= masks[4];
669- v &= mask;
670- vSrc = (int)v + (int)(v>>shift);
671- vSrc &= pixMask;
672- // Write the destination pixel.
673- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
674- }
675- // Proceed to the next pixel.
676- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
677- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
678- }
679- // Proceed to the next line.
680- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
681- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
682- };
683- }
685- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
686- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
687- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
688- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
689- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
690- };
691- private static unsafe void BltStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc, ref Int32[] masks, long val, long mask){
692- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
693- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
694- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
695- int shift = (masks[1]<<1)-masks[4];
696- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
697- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
698- n++;
699- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
700- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
701- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
702- n*=n;
703- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
704- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
705- int y = 0;
706- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
707- //
708- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
709- //
710- int x = 0;
711- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
712- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
713- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
714- // Read in the next source pixel.
715- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
716- // If the source pixel is not black ...
717- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
718- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
719- int c = n;
720- int p = pattern;
721- // Calculate the destination pixel.
722- vSrc &= masks[0];
723- Int32 work = vSrc + (vSrc>>masks[1]);
724- work >>=1;
725- work &= masks[3];
726- work += vSrc>>masks[2];
727- work >>=1;
728- work &= masks[3];
729- //vSrc = 0x010101 * work;
730- long v = val * work;
731- v >>= masks[4];
732- v &= mask;
733- vSrc = (int)v + (int)(v>>shift);
734- vSrc &= pixMask;
735- while(c-->0){
736- // ... read in the next target pixel.
737- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
738- // Write the destination pixel.
739- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
740- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
741- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
742- p>>=1;
743- }
744- }
745- // Proceed to the next pixel.
746- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
747- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
748- }
749- // Proceed to the next line.
750- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
751- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
752- }; }
753- }
755- #endregion
758- #region PixelFilterWrapper
759- class PixelFilterDrawer : ISurfaceDrawer{
760- protected IPixelFilter filter;
762- public PixelFilterDrawer(IPixelFilter filter){
763- this.filter = filter;
764- }
766- public IPixelFilter PixelFilter {
767- get{ return filter; }
768- set{ filter = (value==null)?new NullFilter():filter; }
769- }
771- public void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc ){
772- filter.Begin(desc.Dest.Mode,desc.Dest.ColorKey);
773- if(desc.Stretch>0)
774- BltStretch(ref desc , filter);
775- else
776- Blt(ref desc, filter);
777- filter.End();
778- }
780- private static unsafe void Blt(ref DrawingDesc desc, IPixelFilter filter){
781- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
782- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
783- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
784- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
785- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
786- int y = 0;
787- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
788- //
789- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
790- //
791- int x = 0;
792- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
793- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
794- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
795- // Read in the next source pixel.
796- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
797- // If the source pixel is not black ...
798- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
799- // ... read in the next target pixel.
800- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
802- // Calculate the destination pixel.
803- vSrc = filter.Convert(vDst,vSrc);
804- // Write the destination pixel.
805- *(( Int32* )lpDst2) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|vSrc;
806- }
807- // Proceed to the next pixel.
808- lpDst2 += desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
809- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
810- }
811- // Proceed to the next line.
812- lpDst += desc.Dest.RowPitch;
813- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
814- };
815- }
817- private static readonly int[] patternArray = {
818- (1<<1)+(1<<3),//1
819- (1<<2)+(1<<5)+(1<<8),//2
820- (1<<3)+(1<<7)+(1<<11)+(1<<15),//3
821- (1<<4)+(1<<9)+(1<<14)+(1<<19)+(1<<24)//4
822- };
823- private static unsafe void BltStretch(ref DrawingDesc desc, IPixelFilter filter){
824- Int32 colKey = desc.Src.ColorKey;
825- Int32 pixMask = desc.Src.PixelMask;
826- Int32 pixNegMask = ~pixMask;
827- int n = Math.Min(desc.Stretch,4);
828- int pattern = patternArray[n-1];
829- n++;
830- int dstColPitch = desc.Dest.PixelPitch*n;
831- int dstRowPitch = desc.Dest.RowPitch*n;
832- int dstPadding = desc.Dest.RowPitch-dstColPitch;
833- n*=n;
834- int lpSrc = desc.Src.lpOffset;
835- int lpDst = desc.Dest.lpOffset;
836- int y = 0;
837- while(++y<= desc.RowSteps) {
838- //
839- // Alpha-blend the pixels in the current row.
840- //
841- int x = 0;
842- int lpSrc2 = lpSrc;
843- int lpDst2 = lpDst;
844- while ( ++x<= desc.ColumnSteps ) {
845- // Read in the next source pixel.
846- Int32 vSrc = *(( Int32*)lpSrc2 );
847- // If the source pixel is not black ...
848- if ( ( vSrc & pixMask ) != colKey ) {
849- int lpDst3 = lpDst2;
850- int c = n;
851- int p = pattern;
852- // Calculate the destination pixel.
853- while(c-->0){
854- // ... read in the next target pixel.
855- Int32 vDst = *(( Int32*)lpDst2 );
856- // Write the destination pixel.
857- *(( Int32* )lpDst3) = (vDst&pixNegMask)|filter.Convert(vDst,vSrc);
858- lpDst3+=desc.Dest.PixelPitch;
859- lpDst3+=dstPadding*(p&1);
860- p>>=1;
861- }
862- }
863- // Proceed to the next pixel.
864- lpDst2 += dstColPitch;
865- lpSrc2 += desc.Src.PixelPitch;
866- }
867- // Proceed to the next line.
868- lpDst += dstRowPitch;
869- lpSrc += desc.Src.RowPitch;
870- };
871- }
873- class NullFilter : IPixelFilter {
874- public void Begin(PixelColorMode mode, Int32 colorKey){}
876- public Int32 Convert(Int32 dest, Int32 source){ return source; }
878- public void End(){}
879- }
880- }
882- #endregion
884- /*
885- class AlphaPixelFilter : IPixelFilter {
886- /// <summary>
887- /// フィルター作業開始直前に呼ばれる
888- /// </summary>
889- /// <param name="mode">カラーモード</param>
890- /// <param name="colorKey">透明色</param>
891- public void Begin(PixelColorMode mode, Int32 colorKey) {
892- }
894- /// <summary>
895- /// 与えられたカラーを変換する
896- /// 16bitモードでは、一度に2pixel分のデータが与えられる
897- /// </summary>
898- /// <param name="source">変換前の色値</param>
899- /// <returns></returns>
900- public Int32 Convert(Int32 dest, Int32 source) {
901- return ( ( dest & 0xfefefe ) + ( source & 0xfefefe ))>> 1;
902- }
904- /// <summary>
905- /// フィルター作業終了事に呼ばれる
906- /// </summary>
907- public void End() {
908- }
909- }
910- }
911- */
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Texture.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Texture.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.IO;
3-using System.Drawing;
4-using nft.framework.drawing;
5-using System.Diagnostics;
7-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
9- /// <summary>
10- /// SimpleTexture の概要の説明です。
11- /// </summary>
12- public class DD7StaticTexture : IStaticTexture
13- {
14- protected DD7Surface surface;
15- protected bool surfaceOwner;
16- protected IPixelFilter filter;
17- protected Rectangle srcRegion;
18- protected Point drawOffset;
19- protected ImageRef imgRef;
21- public DD7StaticTexture(DD7Surface source, Rectangle region, Point offset, bool surfaceOwner) {
22- this.surface = source as DD7Surface;
23- this.srcRegion = new Rectangle(0, 0, source.Size.Width, source.Size.Height);
24- this.srcRegion.Intersect(region);
25- this.surfaceOwner = surfaceOwner;
26- this.drawOffset = offset;
27- }
29- public DD7StaticTexture(ImageRef image, Rectangle region, Point offset) {
30- this.surface = null; // create on demand
31- this.imgRef = image;
32- this.srcRegion = region;
33- this.surfaceOwner = true;
34- this.drawOffset = offset;
35- }
37- #region ITexture メンバ
39- public Rectangle Boundary { get { return new Rectangle(drawOffset,srcRegion.Size); } }
41- public bool HitTest(Point pos) {
42- if(Boundary.Contains(pos)) {
43- int x = pos.X-drawOffset.X;
44- int y = pos.Y-drawOffset.Y;
45- return Source.HitTest(x, y);
46- }
47- else
48- return false;
49- }
51- #endregion
53- protected DrawParams Adjust(DrawParams orig){
54- DrawParams dp = orig.Clone();
55- dp.Location.X += drawOffset.X;
56- dp.Location.Y += drawOffset.Y;
57- if (dp.SoruceClip.Equals(Rectangle.Empty)) {
58- dp.SoruceClip = srcRegion;
59- } else {
60- dp.SoruceClip.Intersect(srcRegion);
61- }
62- return dp;
63- }
65- #region IDrawable メンバ
66- public void Draw(DrawParams drawparam) {
67- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
68- if (filter != null)
69- dp.Destination.BitBlt(Source, dp, filter);
70- else
71- dp.Destination.BitBlt(Source, dp);
72- }
74- public void DrawEx(DrawParams drawparam, IPixelFilter f) {
75- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
76- if (filter != null) {
77- CompositFilter cf = new CompositFilter(filter, f);
78- dp.Destination.BitBlt(Source, dp, cf);
79- } else
80- dp.Destination.BitBlt(Source, dp, f);
81- }
83- public void DrawEx(DrawParams drawparam, ISurfaceDrawer drawer) {
84- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
85- dp.Destination.BitBlt(Source, dp, drawer);
86- }
87- /*
88- [Obsolete]
89- public void Draw(ISurface dest, System.Drawing.Point location, Scaler scale, int frame) {
90- Point pt = new Point(location.X+drawOffset.X,location.Y+drawOffset.Y);
91- if(filter!=null)
92- dest.BitBlt(pt, Source, srcRegion, scale, filter);
93- else
94- dest.BitBlt(pt, Source, srcRegion, scale);
95- }
96- [Obsolete]
97- public void DrawEx(ISurface dest, System.Drawing.Point location, Scaler scale, IPixelFilter f, int frame) {
98- Point pt = new Point(location.X+drawOffset.X,location.Y+drawOffset.Y);
99- if(filter!=null) {
100- CompositFilter cf = new CompositFilter(filter,f);
101- dest.BitBlt(pt, Source, srcRegion, scale, cf);
102- }
103- else
104- dest.BitBlt(pt, Source, srcRegion, scale, f);
105- }
106- [Obsolete]
107- public void DrawEx(ISurface dest, System.Drawing.Point location, Scaler scale, ISurfaceDrawer drawer, int frame) {
108- Point pt = new Point(location.X+drawOffset.X,location.Y+drawOffset.Y);
109- dest.BitBlt(pt, Source, srcRegion, scale, drawer);
110- }
111- */
112- public IPixelFilter Filter {
113- get { return filter; }
114- set { filter = value; }
115- }
116- #endregion
118- #region IDisposable メンバ
120- public void Dispose() {
121- Dispose(true);
122- GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
123- }
125- protected void Dispose(bool disposing) {
126- if (surface != null) {
127- if (disposing) {
128- if(surfaceOwner)
129- surface.Dispose();
130- surface = null;
131- }
132- }
133- }
135- ~DD7StaticTexture() {
136- Dispose(false);
137- }
138- #endregion
140- #region ISimpleTexture メンバ
141- // Becare!! If the source surface is refered from other objects,
142- // ColorKey setting will affects all those objects.
143- public Color ColorKey {
144- get { return Source.ColorKey; }
145- set { Source.ColorKey = value; }
146- }
148- public void PickColorKeyFromSource( int x, int y ){
149- x += srcRegion.X;
150- y += srcRegion.Y;
151- if(srcRegion.Contains(x,y)){
152- PixelColorMode mode = Source.PixelColorMode;
153- ColorKey = PixelFormatUtil.ToColor(surface.GetPixel(x,y), mode);
154- }
155- else
156- ColorKey = Color.Empty;
157- }
159- public Point DrawOffset { get { return drawOffset; } }
161- public Bitmap CreateBitamap() {
162- throw new NotImplementedException();
163- }
164- #endregion
166- //public Rectangle SourceRegion { get { return srcRegion; } }
168- internal ISurfaceOld Source {
169- get {
170- if (surface == null || surface.IsSurfaceLost) {
171- if (imgRef != null) {
172- IGraphicManagerOld gm = DD7GraphicManager.TheInstance;
173- surface = (DD7Surface)gm.CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(imgRef.AddRef(),srcRegion);
174- imgRef.ReleaseRef();
175- } else {
176- throw new IOException("DirectDraw surface is lost.");
177- }
178- }
179- return surface;
180- }
181- }
182- }
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Sprite.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Sprite.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Diagnostics;
3-using System.Drawing;
4-using System.Xml;
5-using nft.framework.drawing;
6-//using DxVBLib;
8-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
10- /// <summary>
11- /// Draw an image in the picture as-is.
12- /// </summary>
13- [Serializable]
14- public class DD7Sprite : ISprite {
15- protected ITextureOld texture;
16- //protected IPixelFilter filter;
17- protected Point location;
18- protected object tag;
20- internal protected DD7Sprite(ITextureOld texture){
21- this.texture = texture;
22- location = new Point(0,0);
23- tag = null;
24- }
26- #region ISprite メンバ
28- public bool HitTest(Point loc) {
29- Point pt = new Point(loc.X - location.X, loc.Y - location.Y);
30- return texture.HitTest(pt);
31- }
33- public ITextureOld Texture {
34- get { return texture; }
35- set {
36- Debug.Assert(value!=null);
37- texture = value;
38- }
39- }
41- public Point Location {
42- get { return location; }
43- set { location = value; }
44- }
47- public object Tag {
48- get { return tag; }
49- set { tag = value; }
50- }
52- /*
53- public IPixelFilter Filter {
54- get { return filter; }
55- set { filter = value; }
56- }
57- */
59- #endregion
61- protected DrawParams Adjust(DrawParams orig) {
62- DrawParams dp = orig.Clone();
63- dp.Location.X += location.X;
64- dp.Location.Y += location.Y;
65- return dp;
66- }
68- #region IDrawable メンバ
69- public void Draw(DrawParams drawparam) {
70- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
71- /*
72- if(filter!=null)
73- texture.DrawEx(dest, pt, scale, filter, frame);
74- else
75- */
76- texture.Draw(dp);
77- }
79- public void DrawEx(DrawParams drawparam, ISurfaceDrawer drawer) {
80- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
81- texture.DrawEx(dp, drawer);
82- }
84- public void DrawEx(DrawParams drawparam, IPixelFilter f) {
85- DrawParams dp = Adjust(drawparam);
86- texture.DrawEx(dp, f);
87- }
88- /*
89- [Obsolete]
90- public void Draw(ISurface dest, Point pos, Scaler scale, int frame) {
91- Point pt = new Point(pos.X + location.X, pos.Y + location.Y);
92- texture.Draw(dest, pt, scale, frame);
93- }
95- [Obsolete]
96- public void DrawEx(ISurface dest, Point pos, Scaler scale, ISurfaceDrawer drawer, int frame) {
97- Point pt = new Point(pos.X+location.X,pos.Y+location.Y);
98- texture.DrawEx(dest, pt, scale, drawer, frame);
99- }
101- [Obsolete]
102- public void DrawEx(ISurface dest, Point pos, Scaler scale, IPixelFilter f, int frame) {
103- Point pt = new Point(pos.X+location.X,pos.Y+location.Y);
104- texture.DrawEx(dest, pt, scale, f, frame);
105- }
106- */
107- #endregion
109- #region IDisposable メンバ
111- public void Dispose() {
112- if(texture!=null){
113- texture.Dispose();
114- texture=null;
115- }
116- }
118- #endregion
119- }
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Surface.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7Surface.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
3-using System.Drawing;
4-using System.Drawing.Imaging;
5-using System.Diagnostics;
6-using DxVBLib;
7-//using DirectDrawAlphaBlendLib;
8-using nft.framework.drawing;
10-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
12- /// <summary>
13- /// DD7Surface の概要の説明です。
14- /// </summary>
15- /// <remarks>this class is originaly implemented by K.Kawaguchi</remarks>
16- public class DD7Surface : ISurfaceOld
17- {
18- protected DirectDrawSurface7 surface;
19- protected Color colorKey;
20- internal protected UInt32 colorKeyValue;
21- protected PixelColorMode colorMode;
22- protected Size surfaceSize;
24- /// <summary>
25- /// Clipping rect. Even if the client doesn't set any clipping,
26- /// this is initialized to (0,0)-(size)
27- /// </summary>
28- protected RECT clip;
30- public DD7Surface(DirectDrawSurface7 surface)
31- {
32- this.surface = surface;
33- this.colorKey = Color.Empty;
34- this.colorKeyValue = 0;
35- // compute the size of this surface
37- surface.GetSurfaceDesc( ref desc );
38- this.surfaceSize = new Size( desc.lWidth, desc.lHeight );
39- this.colorMode = DD7GraphicManager.GetPixelColorMode(surface);
40- ResetClipRect();
42- }
44- ~DD7Surface() {
45- Dispose(false);
46- }
48- #region クラス独自メソッド
49- static internal protected DirectDrawSurface7 ToNativeSurface(ISurfaceOld surface){
50- DirectDrawSurface7 s;
51- try{
52- s = ((DD7Surface)surface).NativeSurface;
53- }catch(InvalidCastException){
54- DD7GraphicManager gm = DD7GraphicManager.TheInstance;
55- Bitmap bmp = surface.CreateBitmap(PixelColorMode.RGB24Bit);
56- DD7Surface temp = (DD7Surface)gm.CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(bmp);
57- s = temp.NativeSurface;
58- }
59- return s;
60- }
62- /// <summary>
63- /// Returns true if the given exception is thrown because of
64- /// a lost surface.
65- /// </summary>
66- public static bool isSurfaceLostException( COMException e ) {
67- return (uint)e.ErrorCode == (uint)0x887601C2;
68- }
70- public bool IsSurfaceLost {
71- get { return surface.isLost()!=0; }
72- }
74- public DirectDrawSurface7 NativeSurface { get { return surface; } }
76- public virtual Rectangle ClipRect {
77- get {
78- return Util.toRectangle(clip);
79- }
80- set {
81- // clipping rectangle must also clip things to fit inside the surface.
82- // otherwise blitting won't work.
83- value.Intersect( new Rectangle( 0,0, surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height ) );
84- clip = Util.toRECT(value);
85- }
86- }
88- public virtual RECT ClipRECT {
89- get {
90- return clip;
91- }
92- set {
93- ClipRect = Util.toRectangle(value);
94- }
95- }
97- /// <summary>
98- /// Removes the clipping rect by re-initializing it
99- /// to the default size.
100- /// </summary>
101- public virtual void ResetClipRect() {
102- clip = Util.toRECT( new Point(0,0), surfaceSize );
103- }
105- public virtual void DxBlt(Rectangle dstRegion, DirectDrawSurface7 source, Rectangle srcRegion, CONST_DDBLTFLAGS addFlags){
109- RECT dst = Util.toRECT(dstRegion);
110- RECT src = Util.toRECT(srcRegion);
111- //Util.clip( ref dst, ref src, clip );
113- surface.Blt( ref dst, source, ref src, flag );
114- }
116- public Color ColorKey {
117- set {
118- if(value == Color.Empty )
119- RemoveColorKey();
120- else
121- SetColorKey(value);
122- }
123- get { return colorKey; }
124- }
126- protected void SetColorKey(Color c){
127- colorKey = c;
128- colorKeyValue = PixelFormatUtil.ValueOf(c,colorMode);
130- key.high = key.low = (int)colorKeyValue;
131- surface.SetColorKey( CONST_DDCKEYFLAGS.DDCKEY_SRCBLT, ref key );
132- }
134- protected void RemoveColorKey(){
135- unsafe {
136- colorKeyValue = 0;
137- colorKey = Color.Empty;
138- surface.SetColorKey( CONST_DDCKEYFLAGS.DDCKEY_DESTBLT, ref *(DDCOLORKEY*)new IntPtr(0));
139- }
140- }
142- internal protected int GetPixel(int x, int y) {
145- // ロックしてポインタを得ます
146- ddsd.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(ddsd);
147- RECT rect = new RECT();
148- rect.Left = rect.Right = x;
149- rect.Top = rect.Bottom =y;
154- surface.Lock(ref rect, ref ddsd, flag, 0);
155- int c = surface.GetLockedPixel(x,y);
156- surface.Unlock(ref rect);
158- return c;
159- }
161- #endregion
163- #region ISurface メンバ
164- public Size Size { get { return surfaceSize; } }
166- public PixelColorMode PixelColorMode { get { return colorMode; } }
168- public void BitBlt(ISurfaceOld source, DrawParams dp) {
169- DirectDrawSurface7 ssrc = ToNativeSurface(source);
170- Size sz = dp.Scaler.Scale(dp.SoruceClip.Size);
171- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(dp.Location, sz);
172- CONST_DDBLTFLAGS f = (source.ColorKey == Color.Empty) ? 0 : CONST_DDBLTFLAGS.DDBLT_KEYSRC;
173- DxBlt(dst, ssrc, dp.SoruceClip, f);
174- }
176- public void BitBlt(ISurfaceOld source, DrawParams dp, IPixelFilter filter) {
177- DirectDrawSurface7 ssrc = ToNativeSurface(source);
178- Size sz = dp.Scaler.Scale(dp.SoruceClip.Size);
179- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(dp.Location, sz);
180- // TODO: how to apply filter?
181- CONST_DDBLTFLAGS f = (source.ColorKey == Color.Empty) ? 0 : CONST_DDBLTFLAGS.DDBLT_KEYSRC;
182- DxBlt(dst, ssrc, dp.SoruceClip, f);
183- }
185- public void BitBlt(ISurfaceOld source, DrawParams dp, ISurfaceDrawer drawer) {
186- if (!(source is DD7Surface))
187- BitBlt(source, dp);
188- else {
189- DD7Surface srcSurf = source as DD7Surface;
192- srcSD.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(srcSD);
193- dstSD.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(dstSD);
194- // ロックしてポインタを得ます
197- RECT srcRec = Util.toRECT(dp.SoruceClip);
198- RECT dstRec = Util.toRECT(dp.Location, dp.Scaler.Scale(dp.SoruceClip.Size));
199- Util.clip(ref dstRec, ref srcRec, this.ClipRECT);
200- NativeSurface.Lock(ref dstRec, ref dstSD, write, 0);
201- srcSurf.NativeSurface.Lock(ref srcRec, ref srcSD, read, 0);
202- DrawingDesc desc = new DrawingDesc();
203- Util.PrepareDesc(ref desc, this, ref dstSD, ref dstRec, srcSurf, ref srcSD, ref srcRec, dp.Scaler);
204- drawer.Blt(ref desc);
205- NativeSurface.Unlock(ref srcRec);
206- srcSurf.NativeSurface.Unlock(ref dstRec);
207- }
208- }
211- private static AlphaBlender alpha = new AlphaBlenderClass();
213- public void BitBltAlpha(Point destpos, ISurface source, Rectangle region, int zoom) {
214- DirectDrawSurface7 ssrc = ToNativeSurface(source);
215- Size sz = ZoomUtil.Scale(region.Size, zoom);
216- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(destpos, sz);
217- CONST_DDBLTFLAGS f = (source.ColorKey == Color.Empty) ? 0 : CONST_DDBLTFLAGS.DDBLT_KEYSRC;
218- RECT src = Util.toRECT(region);
219- alpha.bltAlphaFast(surface, ssrc,
220- dst.Left, dst.Top,
221- src.Left, src.Top, src.Right, src.Bottom,
222- (int)PixelFormatUtil.ValueOf(source.ColorKey, source.PixelColorMode));
223- }
226- [Obsolete]
227- public void BitBlt(Point destpos, ISurfaceOld source, Rectangle region, Scaler scale) {
228- DirectDrawSurface7 ssrc = ToNativeSurface(source);
229- Size sz = scale.Scale(region.Size);
230- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(destpos,sz);
232- DxBlt(dst,ssrc,region,f);
233- }
234- [Obsolete]
235- public void BitBlt(Point destpos, ISurfaceOld source, Rectangle region, Scaler scale, IPixelFilter filter) {
236- DirectDrawSurface7 ssrc = ToNativeSurface(source);
237- Size sz = scale.Scale(region.Size);
238- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(destpos, sz);
239- // TODO: how to apply filter?
240- CONST_DDBLTFLAGS f = (source.ColorKey == Color.Empty) ? 0 : CONST_DDBLTFLAGS.DDBLT_KEYSRC;
241- DxBlt(dst, ssrc, region, f);
242- }
243- [Obsolete]
244- public void BitBlt(Point destpos, ISurfaceOld source, Rectangle region, Scaler scale, ISurfaceDrawer drawer) {
245- if(!(source is DD7Surface))
246- BitBlt(destpos, source, region, scale);
247- else {
248- DD7Surface srcSurf = source as DD7Surface;
251- srcSD.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(srcSD);
252- dstSD.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(dstSD);
253- // ロックしてポインタを得ます
256- RECT srcRec = Util.toRECT(region);
257- RECT dstRec = Util.toRECT(destpos, scale.Scale(region.Size));
258- Util.clip(ref dstRec, ref srcRec, this.ClipRECT);
259- NativeSurface.Lock(ref dstRec, ref dstSD, write, 0);
260- srcSurf.NativeSurface.Lock(ref srcRec, ref srcSD, read, 0);
261- DrawingDesc desc = new DrawingDesc();
262- Util.PrepareDesc(ref desc, this, ref dstSD, ref dstRec, srcSurf, ref srcSD, ref srcRec, scale);
263- drawer.Blt(ref desc);
264- NativeSurface.Unlock(ref srcRec);
265- srcSurf.NativeSurface.Unlock(ref dstRec);
266- }
267- }
269- public void Clear(Color fill) {
270- surface.BltColorFill( ref clip, (int)PixelFormatUtil.ValueOf(fill,colorMode) );
271- }
273- public void Clear(Rectangle region, Color fill) {
274- RECT r = Util.intersect( Util.toRECT(region), clip );
275- surface.BltColorFill( ref r, (int)PixelFormatUtil.ValueOf(fill,colorMode) );
276- }
278- public bool HitTest(int x, int y) {
279- return (GetPixel(x,y)&0xffffff)!=colorKeyValue;
280- }
282- /// <summary>
283- /// Makes the bitmap of this surface.
284- /// The caller needs to dispose the bitmap.
285- /// </summary>
286- public Bitmap CreateBitmap(PixelColorMode mode) {
287- PixelFormat pf = PixelFormatUtil.ToPixelFormat(mode);
288- Bitmap bmp;
289- if(pf==PixelFormat.Undefined)
290- bmp = new Bitmap( surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height);
291- else
292- bmp = new Bitmap( surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height, pf );
293- using( GDIGraphics src = new GDIGraphics(surface) ) {
294- using( Graphics dst = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) ) {
295- IntPtr dstHDC = dst.GetHdc();
296- IntPtr srcHDC = src.graphics.GetHdc();
297- BitBlt( dstHDC, 0, 0, surfaceSize.Width, surfaceSize.Height, srcHDC, 0, 0, 0x00CC0020 );
298- dst.ReleaseHdc(dstHDC);
299- src.graphics.ReleaseHdc(srcHDC);
300- }
301- }
302- return bmp;
303- }
305- #endregion
307- protected DrawParams Adjust(DrawParams orig) {
308- if (orig.SoruceClip.Equals(Rectangle.Empty)) {
309- DrawParams dp = orig.Clone();
310- dp.SoruceClip = new Rectangle(new Point(), Size);
311- return dp;
312- } else {
313- return orig;
314- }
315- }
317- #region IDrawable メンバ
319- public void DrawEx(DrawParams dp, IPixelFilter filter) {
320- dp.Destination.BitBlt(this, Adjust(dp), filter);
321- }
323- public void DrawEx(DrawParams dp, ISurfaceDrawer drawer) {
324- dp.Destination.BitBlt(this, Adjust(dp), drawer);
325- }
327- public void Draw(DrawParams dp) {
328- dp.Destination.BitBlt(this, Adjust(dp));
329- }
330- #endregion
332- #region IDisposable メンバ
334- public virtual void Dispose() {
335- Dispose(true);
336- GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
337- }
339- protected void Dispose(Boolean disposing) {
340- if (surface==null)
341- return;
342- // Unmanaged cleanup code here
343- if (disposing) {
344- System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(surface);
345- surface = null;
346- // Managed cleanup code here, while managed refs
347- // still valid
348- }
349- }
350- #endregion
352- [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]
353- protected static extern bool BitBlt(
354- IntPtr hdcDest,
355- int nXDest,
356- int nYDest,
357- int nWidth,
358- int nHeight,
359- IntPtr hdcSrc,
360- int nXSrc,
361- int nYSrc,
362- long dwRop
363- );
365- }
367- #region GDIGraphics class
368- /// <summary>
369- /// Wraps a Surface object and provides GDI+ functionality
370- /// via the graphics property.
371- /// </summary>
372- /// <remarks>this class is originaly implemented by K.Kawaguchi</remarks>
373- public sealed class GDIGraphics : IDisposable {
374- public readonly Graphics graphics;
376- private readonly DirectDrawSurface7 surface;
377- private readonly int hdc;
379- public GDIGraphics( DirectDrawSurface7 _surface ) {
380- this.surface = _surface;
381- this.hdc = surface.GetDC();
382- graphics = Graphics.FromHdc( new IntPtr(hdc) );
383- }
385- public void Dispose() {
386- graphics.Dispose();
387- surface.ReleaseDC(hdc);
388- }
389- }
390- #endregion
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7GraphicManager.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DD7GraphicManager.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Drawing;
3-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
4-using System.Windows.Forms;
5-using System.Diagnostics;
6-using System.Xml;
7-using DxVBLib;
8-using nft.framework;
9-using nft.framework.drawing;
11-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
13- /// <summary>
14- /// DirectDraw root class.
15- /// </summary>
16- /// <remarks>Some part of these methods are originaly implemented by K.Kawaguchi</remarks>
17- public class DD7GraphicManager : IDisposable, IGraphicManagerOld
18- {
19- static protected DD7GraphicManager theInstance;
20- static internal protected DD7GraphicManager TheInstance { get { return theInstance; } }
22- private WindowedDDraw7 ddraw;
23- private readonly string name;
24- private readonly string description;
26- static protected CONST_DDSURFACECAPSFLAGS ToDDConstant(SurfaceAlloc place){
28- switch(place) {
29- case SurfaceAlloc.SystemMem:
31- break;
32- case SurfaceAlloc.VideoMem:
34- break;
35- default:
36- memoryPlace = 0;
37- break;
38- }
39- return memoryPlace;
40- }
42- public DD7GraphicManager( XmlNode node ){
43- XmlAttribute a = node.Attributes["name"];
44- if(a!=null)
45- name = a.Value;
46- else
47- name = "DirectDraw7 Graphics";
48- XmlNode n = node.SelectSingleNode("description");
49- if(n!=null)
50- description = n.InnerText;
51- else
52- description = "Microsoft DirectDraw(DirectX7) Graphic Manager";
53- ddraw = new WindowedDDraw7(new UserControl());
54- if(theInstance!=null)
55- theInstance.Dispose();
56- theInstance = this;
57- }
59- /// <summary>
60- /// System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormatに適した値をDDSURFACEDESC2.ddpfPixelFormatに設定
61- /// </summary>
62- /// <param name="ddsd"></param>
63- /// <param name="format"></param>
64- /// <returns>formatが未対応の場合false</returns>
65- internal protected static bool SetPixelFormat(ref DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd, PixelColorMode format){
66- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat);
67- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lFlags = CONST_DDPIXELFORMATFLAGS.DDPF_RGB;
69- switch(format){
70- case PixelColorMode.RGB32Bit:
71- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount = 32;
72- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask = 0x00FF0000;
73- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask = 0x0000FF00;
74- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask = 0x000000FF;
75- break;
76- case PixelColorMode.RGB24Bit:
77- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount = 24;
78- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask = 0x00FF0000;
79- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask = 0x0000FF00;
80- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask = 0x000000FF;
81- break;
82- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565:
83- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount = 16;
84- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask = 0x0000F800;
85- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask = 0x000007E0;
86- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask = 0x0000001F;
87- break;
88- case PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555:
89- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount = 16;
90- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask = 0x00007C00;
91- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask = 0x000003E0;
92- ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask = 0x0000001F;
93- break;
94- default:
95- // format not supported.
96- return false;
97- }
98- return true;
99- }
101- internal protected static PixelColorMode GetPixelColorMode(DirectDrawSurface7 surface) {
103- surface.GetSurfaceDesc(ref ddsd);
104- int bitcount = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRGBBitCount;
105- switch( bitcount ){
106- case 32:
107- return PixelColorMode.RGB32Bit;
108- case 24:
109- return PixelColorMode.RGB24Bit;
110- case 16:
111- if(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lBBitMask == 0x1f){
112- if ( (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask == 0x7d) &&
113- (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask == 0x3e0) ) {
114- return PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit555;
115- }
116- if ( (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lRBitMask == 0xf800) &&
117- (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.lGBitMask == 0x7e0) ) {
118- return PixelColorMode.RGB16Bit565;
119- }
120- }
121- break;
122- }
123- return PixelColorMode.Unknown;
124- }
126- #region IGraphicManager メンバ
127- public PixelColorMode CurrentColorMode {
128- get{
129- return GetPixelColorMode(ddraw.PrimarySurface.NativeSurface);
130- }
131- }
133- public int TotalVideoMemory {
134- get {
135- DDSCAPS2 ddcaps = new DDSCAPS2();
137- return ddraw.Handle.GetAvailableTotalMem(ref ddcaps);
138- }
139- }
141- public int AvailableVideoMemory {
142- get {
143- DDSCAPS2 ddcaps = new DDSCAPS2();
145- return ddraw.Handle.GetFreeMem(ref ddcaps);
146- }
147- }
149- public ISprite CreateSprite( ITextureOld texture ) {
150- return new DD7Sprite(texture);
151- }
153- public IStaticTexture CreateStaticTexture(ImageRef imageRef, Rectangle region, Point offset) {
154- return new DD7StaticTexture(imageRef,new Rectangle(0,0,region.Width,region.Height),offset);
155- }
157- public IStaticTexture CreateStaticTexture(Image image, Point offset) {
158- DD7Surface s = (DD7Surface)CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(image);
159- Rectangle region = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
160- return new DD7StaticTexture(s, region, offset, true);
161- }
163- public IStaticTexture CreateStaticTexture(ISurfaceOld source, Rectangle region, Point offset, bool copyBits) {
164- if (source is DD7Surface && !copyBits) {
165- return new DD7StaticTexture((DD7Surface)source, region, offset, false);
166- } else {
167- DD7Surface s = (DD7Surface)DD7GraphicManager.TheInstance.CreateOffscreenSurface(region.Size);
168- s.BitBlt(new Point(0, 0), source, region, Scaler.Default);
169- region = new Rectangle(0, 0, source.Size.Width, source.Size.Height);
170- return new DD7StaticTexture(s, region, offset, true);
171- }
172- }
174- public ISurfaceOld CreateOffscreenSurface(Size size) {
175- //Debug.Assert(size.Height>0 && size.Width>0,"invalid size");
177- sd.lSize = Marshal.SizeOf(sd);
181- if(SetPixelFormat(ref sd, CurrentColorMode ))
183- sd.ddsCaps.lCaps = CONST_DDSURFACECAPSFLAGS.DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN|ToDDConstant(SurfaceAlloc.SystemMem);
184- sd.lHeight = size.Height;
185- sd.lWidth = size.Width;
186- try {
187- return new DD7Surface(ddraw.Handle.CreateSurface( ref sd ));
188- }
189- catch(Exception e) {
190- //for safe
191- Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}:({1}x{2})",e.Message,size.Width,size.Height));
193- return new DD7Surface(ddraw.Handle.CreateSurface( ref sd ));
194- }
195- }
197- public ISurfaceOld CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(Image source) {
198- Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0,0,source.Width,source.Height);
199- return CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(source, r);
200- }
202- public ISurfaceOld CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(Image source, Rectangle region) {
204- DD7Surface s = (DD7Surface)CreateOffscreenSurface(region.Size);
205- using(GDIGraphics g=new GDIGraphics(s.NativeSurface)) {
206- g.graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), region);
207- // without the size parameter, it doesn't work well with non-standard DPIs.
208- Rectangle dst = new Rectangle(0,0,region.Width,region.Height);
209- g.graphics.DrawImage( source, dst, region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
210- }
211- return s;
212- }
214- public DrawableControl CreateDrawableControl() {
215- return new DD7Control();
216- }
217- #endregion
219- #region ISurfaceDrawer factories
220- private IntersectDrawer drawerIntersect = new IntersectDrawer();
221- private HalfAlphaDrawer drawerAlpha = new HalfAlphaDrawer();
222- private SelectBrighterDrawer drawerBrighter = new SelectBrighterDrawer();
223- /// <summary>
224- /// create intersect drawer
225- /// draws only when both source and destination pixel is not transpalent
226- /// this drawer must be necessary for drawing perspective scenes
227- /// </summary>
228- /// <returns></returns>
229- public ISurfaceDrawer GetIntersectDrawer(){
230- return drawerIntersect;
231- }
232- /// <summary>
233- /// create 50% alpha blend drawer
234- /// </summary>
235- /// <returns></returns>
236- public ISurfaceDrawer GetHalfAlphaDrawer(){
237- return drawerAlpha;
238- }
239- /// <summary>
240- /// create brighter drawer
241- /// draws only when source pixel is brighter than destination
242- /// this drawer is used for red sunset and morning haze
243- /// </summary>
244- /// <returns></returns>
245- public ISurfaceDrawer GetBrighterDrawer(){
246- return drawerBrighter;
247- }
248- /// <summary>
249- /// create color burn drawer
250- /// this drawer is used for red sunset and morning haze
251- /// </summary>
252- /// <param name="c"></param>
253- /// <param name="apply"></param>
254- /// <returns></returns>
255- public ISurfaceDrawer GetColorBurnDrawer(Color c, float apply){
256- return new ColorBurnDrawer(c,apply);
257- }
258- /// <summary>
259- /// create mono color drawer
260- /// draws gray-scaled image with specified color
261- /// this drawer is used for setting highlihgt some sprites.
262- /// </summary>
263- /// <param name="c"></param>
264- /// <returns></returns>
265- public ISurfaceDrawer GetMonoColorDrawer(Color c){
266- return new MonoColorDrawer(c);
267- }
268- #endregion
270- #region IDisposable メンバ
272- public void Dispose() {
273- ddraw.Dispose();
274- }
276- #endregion
278- #region IGlobalModule メンバ
280- public string Description { get { return description; } }
282- public string Name { get { return name; } }
284- public Type RegistType {
285- get {
286- Type t = this.GetType().GetInterface("IGraphicManagerOld");
287- Debug.Assert((t!=null)&&(null!=this as IGraphicManagerOld));
288- return t;
289- }
290- }
292- #endregion
293- }
--- NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DDraw7.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/directx/NFT.DirectDraw/DDraw7.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Diagnostics;
3-using DxVBLib;
5-namespace nft.drawing.ddraw7
7- /// <summary>
8- /// DDraw7 の概要の説明です。
9- /// </summary>
10- /// <remarks>this class is originaly implemented by K.Kawaguchi</remarks>
11- public class DDraw7 : IDisposable
12- {
13- protected DirectDraw7 handle;
15- public DDraw7() {
16- // initialize DirectDraw
17- DirectX7 dxc = new DirectX7Class();
18- handle = dxc.DirectDrawCreate("");
20- handle.SetCooperativeLevel( 0, CONST_DDSCLFLAGS.DDSCL_NORMAL ); // window mode
21- }
23- public virtual void Dispose() {
24- handle=null;
25- }
27- internal DirectDraw7 Handle { get { return handle; } }
28- }
--- NeoFT/plugins/system/plugin.xml (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/plugins/system/plugin.xml (revision 99)
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@
9494 </item>
9595 <item mid="HELP" caption="ヘルプ(&amp;H)">
9696 <item mid="DEBUG|XNAFORMTEST" caption="XNAコントロールテスト"/>
97- <item mid="DEBUG|GDITEST" caption="GDI描画ユーティリティテスト"/>
9897 <item mid="DEBUG|TABLEFORMTEST" caption="テーブルレイアウトのテスト"/>
9998 <item mid="DEBUG|TERRAINTEST" caption="地形データ確認"/>
10099 <item mid="DEBUG|DOCKTEST" caption="DockWindowコントロールテスト"/>
@@ -204,12 +203,6 @@
204203 <command type="ModelessForm" menupath="HELP\DEBUG|TERRAINTEST" />
205204 </contribution>
207- <contribution type="Command" id="C_TestGDIDrawForm">
208- <name>GDI描画クラスの機能テスト</name>
209- <class name="nft.debug.TestGDIDrawingForm"/>
210- <command type="ModelessForm" menupath="HELP\DEBUG|GDITEST" />
211- </contribution>
213206 <contribution type="Command" id="C_TestTableLayout">
214207 <name>テーブルレイアウトのテスト</name>
215208 <class name="nft.debug.TableForm"/>
--- NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/XnaTerrain.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/XnaTerrain.cs (revision 99)
@@ -142,6 +142,17 @@
142142 private Vector3 pos;
143143 protected TerrainTemplate template;
145+ internal TerrainPlate() {
146+ }
148+ internal void Init(UInt32 id, TerrainTemplate templ){
149+ this._id = id;
150+ this.template = templ;
151+ this.filter = null;
152+ this.pos = Vector3.Zero;
153+ this._tag = null;
154+ }
145156 public TerrainPlate(UInt32 id, TerrainTemplate templ)
146157 {
147158 this._id = id;
@@ -160,6 +171,7 @@
160171 #region I3DObject implementation
161172 public UInt32 ID {
162173 get { return _id; }
174+ set { _id = value; }
163175 }
165177 public object Tag {
--- NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/XnaGraphicManager.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/XnaGraphicManager.cs (revision 99)
@@ -125,9 +125,12 @@
125125 throw new NotImplementedException();
126126 }
128+ private TerrainPlate stock = new TerrainPlate();
128129 public ITerrainPlate CreateTerrainPlate(UInt32 id, ITerrainPlateTemplate template)
129130 {
130- return new TerrainPlate(id, (TerrainTemplate)template);
131+ //return new TerrainPlate(id, (TerrainTemplate)template);
132+ stock.Init(id, (TerrainTemplate)template);
133+ return stock;
131134 }
133136 public ICubicStructure CreateStructure(UInt32 id, ResourceKey rkey, ITexture texture, Point3D size3d) {
--- NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/Xna3DObject.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/xna/NFT.XNA/Xna3DObject.cs (revision 99)
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
4444 #region I3DObject implementation
4545 public UInt32 ID {
4646 get { return _id; }
47+ set { _id = value; }
4748 }
4950 public object Tag
--- NeoFT/core/impl/view/SceneBuilder.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/core/impl/view/SceneBuilder.cs (revision 99)
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
88 using nft.framework.drawing;
99 using System.Diagnostics;
1010 using Geocon = nft.core.geometry.GeometricConstants;
11+using nft.core.game;
1213 namespace nft.impl.view
1314 {
1415 public class SceneBuilder : IEnumerable<I3DObject>
1516 {
17+ public delegate void TerrainPlateModifier(ITerrainPlate plate, ITerrainMap map, int x, int y, TerrainPieceTemplate.TerrainPolygonSet tpset);
1619 CoordinationUtil cdUtil = null;
1720 Scaler scaler;
1821 InterCardinalDirection upperDir;
--- NeoFT/core/debug/TestTerrainForm.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/core/debug/TestTerrainForm.cs (revision 99)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
1717 {
1818 public enum Dir4SN : int { NE = 0, NW, SE, SW };
1919 /// <summary>
20- /// TestFormDDraw の概要の説明です。
20+ /// TestTerrainForm の概要の説明です。
2121 /// </summary>
2222 public class TestTerrainForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form {
--- NeoFT/framework/TODO.txt (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/TODO.txt (revision 99)
@@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
1-XNA空間での座標軸   NeoFTのゲーム空間
2-x y z               y z x
3- \|/  yは上が正、x,zは奥が正    \|/  zは上が正、x,yは奥が正
56 ビルドしてobjからbinへのファイルコピー時にNFT.Framework.dllがロックする問題の暫定対処に
67 \NeoFT\framework\AssemblyInfo.cs
78 \NeoFT\core\AssemblyInfo.cs
810 の29行目"AssemblyVersion"をコメントアウトした。最終リリースではコメント外すべき。
15+※TTDX式 A列車式 A列車式改『√2』
16+ ∠|/   □    /□/
17+∠|/   □    /□/ 
22+XNA空間での座標軸   NeoFTのゲーム空間
23+x y z               y z x
24+ \|/  yは上が正、x,zは奥が正    \|/  zは上が正、x,yは奥が正
1027 北 東  後  
1128  ×  左◇右 
1229 西 南  前  
--- NeoFT/framework/debug/TestGDIDrawingForm.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/debug/TestGDIDrawingForm.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.IO;
3-using System.Collections.Generic;
4-using System.ComponentModel;
5-using System.Data;
6-using System.Drawing;
7-using System.Text;
8-using System.Windows.Forms;
9-using nft.framework.drawing;
10-using nft.framework;
11-using System.Diagnostics;
13-namespace nft.debug {
14- public partial class TestGDIDrawingForm : Form {
15- protected ISurfaceOld bg;
16- protected ISurfaceOld buffer;
17- protected ISprite cursor;
18- protected IGraphicManagerOld graphic { get { return GlobalModules.GraphicManagerOld; } }
20- public TestGDIDrawingForm() {
21- InitializeComponent();
22- drawable.Canvas.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(Canvas_Paint);
23- drawable.Canvas.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(TestGDIDrawingForm_MouseMove);
24- prepareDrawing();
25- Test t = new Test(new Point(123, 456));
26- Point[] p = t.V;
27- p[0] = new Point(789,111);
28- p[1].X = 999;
29- Debug.WriteLine(t.V[0]);
30- Debug.WriteLine(t.V[1]);
31- }
33- void Canvas_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
34- drawSceneImage();
35- }
37- private void prepareDrawing() {
38- string path = Path.Combine(Directories.AppBaseDir, @"res\grid_sample.gif");
39- bg = graphic.CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(new Bitmap(path));
40- buffer = graphic.CreateOffscreenSurface(drawable.Canvas.Size);
41- //drawable.Canvas.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(drawableControl1_MouseMove);
42- QuaterViewRect rect = new QuaterViewRect(16, 32, 16, 64, 32);
43- ITextureOld tex = PrimitiveTextrueFactory.CreateCellBoundsTexture(rect, this.Font, "テスト", Color.Green);
44- cursor = GlobalModules.GraphicManagerOld.CreateSprite(tex);
45- }
47- private void drawSceneImage() {
48- if (bg != null) {
49- DrawParams param = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, drawable.PointToScreen(new Point(0)));
50- bg.Draw(param);
51- drawable.ScreenSurface.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0x00, 0x72, 0xbc);
52- Point pt = MousePosition;
53- pt.X -= 24;
54- pt.Y -= 24;
55- param.Location = pt;
56- cursor.Draw(param);
57- //drawable.Surface.
58- }
59- }
61- private void TestGDIDrawingForm_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
62- drawSceneImage();
63- }
65- }
67- class Test {
68- private Point[] v;
69- public Test(Point p) {
70- v = new Point[]{ p, new Point(0,0)};
71- }
73- public Point[] V {
74- get { return (Point[])v.Clone(); }
75- }
76- }
--- NeoFT/framework/debug/ddraw/TestFormDDraw.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/debug/ddraw/TestFormDDraw.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
2-using System;
3-using System.IO;
4-using System.Drawing;
5-using System.Collections;
6-using System.ComponentModel;
7-using System.Windows.Forms;
8-using nft.framework;
9-using nft.util;
10-using nft.ui;
11-using nft.framework.drawing;
13-namespace nft.debug.ddraw
15- /// <summary>
16- /// TestFormDDraw の概要の説明です。
17- /// </summary>
18- public class TestFormDDraw : System.Windows.Forms.Form
19- {
20- private System.Windows.Forms.TabControl tabControl1;
21- private System.Windows.Forms.TabPage tabPage3;
22- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
23- private System.Windows.Forms.Label l_t1;
24- private System.Windows.Forms.Label l_t2;
25- private System.Windows.Forms.Label l_t3;
26- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label5;
27- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label6;
28- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label7;
29- private System.Windows.Forms.Button btn_go;
30- private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox combo_filter;
31- private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox combo_zoom;
32- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
33- private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
34- private bool calced;
35- private nft.framework.drawing.DrawablePanel drawable;
36- /// <summary>
37- /// 必要なデザイナ変数です。
38- /// </summary>
39- private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
41- public TestFormDDraw()
42- {
43- //
44- // Windows フォーム デザイナ サポートに必要です。
45- //
46- InitializeComponent();
47- combo_filter.SelectedIndex = 0;
48- combo_filter.Items.Add(graphic.GetHalfAlphaDrawer());
49- combo_filter.Items.Add(graphic.GetIntersectDrawer());
50- combo_filter.Items.Add(graphic.GetBrighterDrawer());
51- combo_filter.Items.Add(graphic.GetColorBurnDrawer(Color.OrangeRed,0.5f));
52- combo_filter.Items.Add(graphic.GetMonoColorDrawer(Color.LightBlue));
53- combo_zoom.SelectedIndex = 2;
54- prepareDrawing();
55- }
57- protected IGraphicManagerOld graphic { get { return GlobalModules.GraphicManagerOld; } }
58- protected ISprite[] sprite;
59- protected ISurfaceOld spsrc;
60- protected ISurfaceOld bg;
61- protected ISurfaceOld buffer;
62- protected ISurfaceDrawer currentDrawer;
64- private void prepareDrawing(){
65- string path = Path.Combine(Directories.AppBaseDir,@"res\SpriteSamples.bmp");
66- sprite = new ISprite[3];
67- Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0,0,32,32);
68- using(Image bmp = Bitmap.FromFile(path)){
69- spsrc = graphic.CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(bmp);
70- for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
71- IStaticTexture t = graphic.CreateStaticTexture(spsrc,r,new Point(0),true);
72- t.PickColorKeyFromSource(0,31);
73- sprite[i] = graphic.CreateSprite(t);
74- r.X += 32;
75- }
76- }
77- path = Path.Combine(Directories.AppBaseDir,@"res\SceneSample.bmp");
78- bg = graphic.CreateSurfaceFromBitmap(new Bitmap(path));
79- buffer = graphic.CreateOffscreenSurface(drawable.Canvas.Size);
80- drawable.Canvas.MouseMove+=new MouseEventHandler(drawableControl1_MouseMove);
81- }
83- /// <summary>
84- /// 使用されているリソースに後処理を実行します。
85- /// </summary>
86- protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
87- {
88- if( disposing )
89- {
90- if(components != null)
91- {
92- components.Dispose();
93- }
94- if (spsrc != null) {
95- spsrc.Dispose();
96- spsrc = null;
97- }
98- if (bg != null) {
99- bg.Dispose();
100- bg = null;
101- }
102- if (buffer != null) {
103- buffer.Dispose();
104- buffer = null;
105- }
106- }
107- base.Dispose( disposing );
108- }
110- #region Windows フォーム デザイナで生成されたコード
111- /// <summary>
112- /// デザイナ サポートに必要なメソッドです。このメソッドの内容を
113- /// コード エディタで変更しないでください。
114- /// </summary>
115- private void InitializeComponent()
116- {
117- this.tabControl1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TabControl();
118- this.tabPage3 = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage();
119- this.drawable = new nft.framework.drawing.DrawablePanel();
120- this.combo_filter = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
121- this.btn_go = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
122- this.label5 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
123- this.l_t1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
124- this.l_t2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
125- this.l_t3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
126- this.label6 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
127- this.label7 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
128- this.combo_zoom = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
129- this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
130- this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
131- this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
132- this.tabControl1.SuspendLayout();
133- this.tabPage3.SuspendLayout();
134- this.SuspendLayout();
135- //
136- // tabControl1
137- //
138- this.tabControl1.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom)
139- | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)
140- | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
141- this.tabControl1.Controls.Add(this.tabPage3);
142- this.tabControl1.ItemSize = new System.Drawing.Size(53, 17);
143- this.tabControl1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
144- this.tabControl1.Name = "tabControl1";
145- this.tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0;
146- this.tabControl1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(408, 392);
147- this.tabControl1.TabIndex = 1;
148- //
149- // tabPage3
150- //
151- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.drawable);
152- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.combo_filter);
153- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.btn_go);
154- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.label5);
155- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.l_t1);
156- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.l_t2);
157- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.l_t3);
158- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.label6);
159- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.label7);
160- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.combo_zoom);
161- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.label2);
162- this.tabPage3.Controls.Add(this.label3);
163- this.tabPage3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 21);
164- this.tabPage3.Name = "tabPage3";
165- this.tabPage3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 367);
166- this.tabPage3.TabIndex = 2;
167- this.tabPage3.Text = "NewLib";
168- //
169- // drawable
170- //
171- this.drawable.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom)
172- | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)
173- | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
174- this.drawable.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
175- this.drawable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 64);
176- this.drawable.Name = "drawable";
177- this.drawable.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 304);
178- this.drawable.TabIndex = 5;
179- //
180- // combo_filter
181- //
182- this.combo_filter.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
183- "Normal"});
184- this.combo_filter.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(40, 8);
185- this.combo_filter.Name = "combo_filter";
186- this.combo_filter.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(176, 20);
187- this.combo_filter.TabIndex = 4;
188- this.combo_filter.Text = "comboBox1";
189- this.combo_filter.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.combo_filter_SelectedIndexChanged);
190- //
191- // btn_go
192- //
193- this.btn_go.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(352, 5);
194- this.btn_go.Name = "btn_go";
195- this.btn_go.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 24);
196- this.btn_go.TabIndex = 3;
197- this.btn_go.Text = "GO!";
198- this.btn_go.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btn_go_Click);
199- //
200- // label5
201- //
202- this.label5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(96, 40);
203- this.label5.Name = "label5";
204- this.label5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 16);
205- this.label5.TabIndex = 2;
206- this.label5.Text = "T1:";
207- this.label5.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
208- //
209- // l_t1
210- //
211- this.l_t1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
212- this.l_t1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 40);
213- this.l_t1.Name = "l_t1";
214- this.l_t1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 16);
215- this.l_t1.TabIndex = 1;
216- this.l_t1.Text = "--";
217- this.l_t1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
218- //
219- // l_t2
220- //
221- this.l_t2.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
222- this.l_t2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(224, 40);
223- this.l_t2.Name = "l_t2";
224- this.l_t2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 16);
225- this.l_t2.TabIndex = 1;
226- this.l_t2.Text = "--";
227- this.l_t2.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
228- //
229- // l_t3
230- //
231- this.l_t3.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
232- this.l_t3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(328, 40);
233- this.l_t3.Name = "l_t3";
234- this.l_t3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 16);
235- this.l_t3.TabIndex = 1;
236- this.l_t3.Text = "--";
237- this.l_t3.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
238- //
239- // label6
240- //
241- this.label6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 40);
242- this.label6.Name = "label6";
243- this.label6.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 16);
244- this.label6.TabIndex = 2;
245- this.label6.Text = "T2:";
246- this.label6.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
247- //
248- // label7
249- //
250- this.label7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(304, 40);
251- this.label7.Name = "label7";
252- this.label7.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(24, 16);
253- this.label7.TabIndex = 2;
254- this.label7.Text = "T3:";
255- this.label7.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
256- //
257- // combo_zoom
258- //
259- this.combo_zoom.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
260- "x2",
261- "x1",
262- "x0.5",
263- "x0.25"});
264- this.combo_zoom.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(272, 8);
265- this.combo_zoom.Name = "combo_zoom";
266- this.combo_zoom.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 20);
267- this.combo_zoom.TabIndex = 4;
268- this.combo_zoom.Text = "comboBox1";
269- this.combo_zoom.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.combo_filter_SelectedIndexChanged);
270- //
271- // label2
272- //
273- this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 8);
274- this.label2.Name = "label2";
275- this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 24);
276- this.label2.TabIndex = 2;
277- this.label2.Text = "Filter:";
278- this.label2.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
279- //
280- // label3
281- //
282- this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(232, 8);
283- this.label3.Name = "label3";
284- this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 24);
285- this.label3.TabIndex = 2;
286- this.label3.Text = "Zoom:";
287- this.label3.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
288- //
289- // label1
290- //
291- this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
292- this.label1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
293- this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
294- this.label1.Name = "label1";
295- this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
296- this.label1.Text = "DrawableControl";
297- //
298- // TestFormDDraw
299- //
300- this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 12);
301- this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(408, 389);
302- this.Controls.Add(this.tabControl1);
303- this.Name = "TestFormDDraw";
304- this.Text = "TestFormDDraw";
305- this.tabControl1.ResumeLayout(false);
306- this.tabPage3.ResumeLayout(false);
307- this.ResumeLayout(false);
309- }
310- #endregion
312- private void drawableControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
313- if(calced) return;
314- drawSceneImage();
315- ISprite sp = sprite[2];
316- int n = combo_zoom.SelectedIndex-2;
317- Scaler scaler = Scaler.Get((ZoomScale)n);
318- Size sz = scaler.Scale(sp.Texture.Boundary.Size);
319- Point pt = new Point(e.X-sz.Width*3/4, e.Y-sz.Height*3/4);
320- pt = ((Control)sender).PointToScreen(pt);
321- DrawParams param = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, pt, scaler);
322- switch(combo_filter.SelectedIndex ){
323- case 0: // Normal
324- sp.Draw(param);
325- break;
326-// case 1: // HalfAlpha
327-// sp.DrawEx(drawable.Surface, pt, zoom, currentDrawer, 0);
328-// break;
329- case -1: // nothing selected
330- break;
331- default: // Normal
332- currentDrawer = combo_filter.SelectedItem as ISurfaceDrawer;
333- sp.DrawEx(param, currentDrawer);
334- break;
335- }
336- }
338- private void combo_filter_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
339- const string def = "--";
340- l_t1.Text = def;
341- l_t2.Text = def;
342- l_t3.Text = def;
343- calced = false;
344- drawSceneImage();
345- }
347- private void drawSceneImage(){
348- if(bg!=null) {
349- DrawParams param = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, drawable.PointToScreen(new Point(0)));
350- bg.Draw(param);
351- drawable.ScreenSurface.ColorKey = Color.FromArgb(0x00,0x72,0xbc);
352- }
353- }
355-// NFT.DirectDraw描画スピードテスト
356-// ■ノーマル:
357-// x2: 186,199,197
358-// x1: 071,073,074
359-// xH: 074,074,077
360-// xQ: 070,070,070
361-// ■AlphaBlenderClass(比較用):
362-// x1: 100,123,116
363- private void btn_go_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
364- calced = true;
365- switch(combo_filter.SelectedIndex ){
366- case 0: // Normal
367- doTestNormal();
368- break;
369-// case 1: // HalfAlpha
370-// doTestDrawer(currentDrawer);
371-// break;
372- case -1: // nothing selected
373- break;
374- default: // Normal
375- currentDrawer = combo_filter.SelectedItem as ISurfaceDrawer;
376- doTestDrawer(currentDrawer);
377- break;
378- }
379- }
381- private void doTestNormal(){
382- Label[] labels = new Label[] { l_t1,l_t2,l_t3 };
383- int width = drawable.Canvas.Width;
384- int height = drawable.Canvas.Height;
385- int zs = 3-combo_zoom.SelectedIndex;
386- Scaler scale = Scaler.Get((ZoomScale)zs);
387- for(int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
388- int x=0,y=0;
389- DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
390- for(int n=0; n<100; n++){
391- int m = 255-n;
392- buffer.Clear(Rectangle.Empty, Color.FromArgb(m,m,m));
393- y = 0;
394- while(y<height){
395- x = 0;
396- while(x<width) {
397- DrawParams p1 = new DrawParams(buffer, new Point(x, y), scale);
398- sprite[i].Draw(p1);
399- x+=16;
400- }
401- y+=16;
402- }
403- DrawParams p2 = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, drawable.Canvas.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)));
404- buffer.Draw(p2);
405- }
406- TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - start;
407- labels[i].Text = string.Format("{0} ns", (int)(span.TotalMilliseconds*10000/(x*y)));
408- }
409- }
411- private void doTestDrawer(ISurfaceDrawer drawer){
412- Label[] labels = new Label[] { l_t1,l_t2,l_t3 };
413- int width = drawable.Canvas.Width;
414- int height = drawable.Canvas.Height;
415- int zs = 3-combo_zoom.SelectedIndex;
416- Scaler scale = Scaler.Get((ZoomScale)zs);
417- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
418- int x=0,y=0;
419- DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
420- for(int n=0; n<100; n++){
421- int m = 255-n;
422- buffer.Clear(Rectangle.Empty, Color.FromArgb(m,m,m));
423- y = 0;
424- while(y<height){
425- x = 0;
426- while(x<width) {
427- DrawParams p1 = new DrawParams(buffer, new Point(x, y), scale);
428- sprite[i].DrawEx(p1, drawer);
429- x+=16;
430- }
431- y+=16;
432- }
433- DrawParams p2 = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, drawable.Canvas.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)));
434- buffer.Draw(p2);
435- }
436- TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - start;
437- labels[i].Text = string.Format("{0} ns", (int)(span.TotalMilliseconds*10000/(x*y)));
438- }
439- }
441- private void doTestFilter(IPixelFilter pf){
442- Label[] labels = new Label[] { l_t1,l_t2,l_t3 };
443- int width = drawable.Canvas.Width;
444- int height = drawable.Canvas.Height;
445- int zs = 3-combo_zoom.SelectedIndex;
446- Scaler scale = Scaler.Get((ZoomScale)zs);
447- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
448- int x=0,y=0;
449- DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
450- for(int n=0; n<100; n++){
451- int m = 255-n;
452- buffer.Clear(Rectangle.Empty, Color.FromArgb(m,m,m));
453- y = 0;
454- while(y<height){
455- x = 0;
456- while(x<width) {
457- DrawParams p1 = new DrawParams(buffer, new Point(x, y), scale);
458- sprite[i].DrawEx(p1, pf);
459- x+=16;
460- }
461- y+=16;
462- }
463- DrawParams p2 = new DrawParams(drawable.ScreenSurface, drawable.Canvas.PointToScreen(new Point(0,0)));
464- buffer.Draw(p2);
465- }
466- TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - start;
467- labels[i].Text = string.Format("{0} ns", (int)(span.TotalMilliseconds*10000/(x*y)));
468- }
469- }
471- }
--- NeoFT/framework/debug/TestGDIDrawingForm.Designer.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/debug/TestGDIDrawingForm.Designer.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
1-namespace nft.debug {
2- partial class TestGDIDrawingForm {
3- /// <summary>
4- /// Required designer variable.
5- /// </summary>
6- private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;
8- /// <summary>
9- /// Clean up any resources being used.
10- /// </summary>
11- /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
12- protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
13- if (disposing && (components != null)) {
14- components.Dispose();
15- }
16- base.Dispose(disposing);
17- }
19- #region Windows Form Designer generated code
21- /// <summary>
22- /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
23- /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
24- /// </summary>
25- private void InitializeComponent() {
26- this.drawable = new nft.framework.drawing.DrawablePanel();
27- this.SuspendLayout();
28- //
29- // drawable
30- //
31- this.drawable.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
32- this.drawable.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
33- this.drawable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
34- this.drawable.Name = "drawable";
35- this.drawable.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(255, 255);
36- this.drawable.TabIndex = 0;
37- //
38- // TestGDIDrawingForm
39- //
40- this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
41- this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
42- this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(255, 255);
43- this.Controls.Add(this.drawable);
44- this.Name = "TestGDIDrawingForm";
45- this.Text = "TestGDI Drawing";
46- this.ResumeLayout(false);
48- }
50- #endregion
52- private nft.framework.drawing.DrawablePanel drawable;
53- }
\ No newline at end of file
--- NeoFT/framework/framework/drawing/DrawablePanel.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/framework/drawing/DrawablePanel.cs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
1-using System;
2-using System.Collections;
3-using System.ComponentModel;
4-using System.Drawing;
5-using System.Data;
6-using System.Windows.Forms;
7-using nft.ui.mainframe;
8-using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
9-using System.Diagnostics;
11-namespace nft.framework.drawing
13- /// <summary>
14- /// 有効なDrawableControl をラップしたユーザーコントロール。
15- /// a UserControl which wraps valid DrawableControl.
16- /// </summary>
17- [Obsolete]
18- public class DrawablePanel : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, IView
19- {
20- protected static readonly IViewDrawer nullDrawer = new NullDrawer();
21- /// <summary>
22- /// 必要なデザイナ変数です。
23- /// </summary>
24- private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
26- private DrawableControl canvas;
27- private IViewDrawer drawer = nullDrawer;
28- private Region dirtyRegion = null;
30- public DrawablePanel()
31- {
32- // この呼び出しは、Windows.Forms フォーム デザイナで必要です。
33- InitializeComponent();
34- InitializeCanvas();
35- }
37- /// <summary>
38- /// 使用されているリソースに後処理を実行します。
39- /// </summary>
40- protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
41- {
42- if( disposing )
43- {
44- if(components != null)
45- {
46- components.Dispose();
47- }
48- if (drawer != null) {
49- drawer.Dispose();
50- }
51- }
52- base.Dispose( disposing );
53- }
55- /// <summary>
56- /// a DrawableControl wrapped by this panel
57- /// </summary>
58- public DrawableControl Canvas { get { return canvas; } }
60- /// <summary>
61- /// Primary surface (Short cut to this.Canvas.Surface )
62- /// </summary>
63- public ISurfaceOld ScreenSurface { get { return canvas.Surface; } }
65- /// <summary>
66- /// ViewDrawer can be null because you can draw directory
67- /// by accessing this.Surface
68- /// </summary>
69- public IViewDrawer ViewDrawer {
70- get { return (drawer == nullDrawer) ? null : drawer; }
71- set {
72- if (drawer != nullDrawer) {
73- if (drawer == value) return;
74- drawer.Dispose();
75- }
76- Point newPos;
77- if (value != null) {
78- drawer = value;
79- drawer.Attach(this);
80- canvas.AutoScroll = true;
81- Size sz = drawer.ContentSize;
82- newPos = new Point(sz.Width >> 1, sz.Height >> 1);
83- } else {
84- drawer = nullDrawer;
85- canvas.AutoScroll = false;
86- newPos = new Point();
87- }
88- SetScrollSizeForDrawer();
89- ViewPosition = newPos;
90- Invalidate();
91- }
92- }
94- protected virtual void SetScrollSizeForDrawer(){
95- canvas.AutoScrollMinSize = drawer.ContentSize;
96- Size sz = drawer.ScrollUnit;
97- if (sz.Height > 0) {
98- canvas.VerticalScroll.SmallChange = sz.Height;
99- }
100- if (sz.Width > 0) {
101- canvas.HorizontalScroll.SmallChange = sz.Width;
102- }
103- }
105- /// <summary>
106- /// topleft position of visible area in the view content
107- /// </summary>
108- public Point ViewPosition {
109- get {
110- // Be aware that AutoScrollPosition returns negative coordination.
111- Point pt = Canvas.AutoScrollPosition;
112- // To avoid complexity, returns positive coordination.
113- return new Point(-pt.X, -pt.Y);
114- }
115- set {
116- Size sz = drawer.ContentSize - ClientSize;
117- Point pt = ViewPosition;
118- int nx = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(sz.Width, value.X));
119- int ny = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(sz.Height, value.Y));
120- if (pt.X != nx || pt.Y != ny) {
121- pt.X = nx;
122- pt.Y = ny;
123- // Be aware that we must set positive coordination for AutoScrollPosition,
124- // even though it returns negative coordination.
125- Canvas.AutoScrollPosition = pt;
126- Invalidate();
127- }
128- }
129- }
131- /// <summary>
132- /// returns visible client rectangle of drawable control by screen coordination
133- /// </summary>
134- public Rectangle DrawableScreenRect {
135- get {
136- Rectangle rect = canvas.ClientRectangle;
137- rect.Location = canvas.PointToScreen(rect.Location);
138- return rect;
139- }
140- }
142- #region IView メンバ
143- public Rectangle VisibleSourceRect {
144- get {
145- Rectangle cl = canvas.ClientRectangle;
146- Size sz = drawer.ContentSize;
147- cl.Location = ViewPosition;
148- Rectangle rt = new Rectangle(cl.X, cl.Y,
149- Math.Min(sz.Width, cl.Width), Math.Min(sz.Height, cl.Height));
150- return rt;
151- }
152- }
154- public void NotifyUpdate(Region srcUpdated, bool callbackImmediately) {
155- if (callbackImmediately) {
156- using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics()) {
157- drawer.Draw(g, this, DrawableScreenRect, srcUpdated);
158- }
159- } else if (srcUpdated == null) {
160- Rectangle rt = canvas.Bounds;
161- Invalidate(rt);
162- } else {
163- using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics()) {
164- Point pt = canvas.PointToScreen(ViewPosition);
165- pt = PointToClient(pt);
166- Region rgn = new Region(VisibleSourceRect);
167- Debug.Write("※update:" + rgn.GetBounds(g));
168- rgn.Intersect(srcUpdated);
169- Matrix mtrx = new Matrix();
170- mtrx.Translate(pt.X, pt.Y);
171- rgn.Transform(mtrx);
172- Debug.WriteLine(", translate:" + rgn.GetBounds(g));
173- if (dirtyRegion != null) {
174- dirtyRegion.Union(rgn);
175- } else {
176- dirtyRegion = rgn;
177- }
178- Invalidate(rgn);
179- }
180- }
181- }
183- public void NotifyContentSizeChanged(Point newPos) {
184- Size sz = canvas.AutoScrollMinSize;
185- Point pt = canvas.AutoScrollPosition;
186- SetScrollSizeForDrawer();
187- ViewPosition = newPos;
188- Invalidate();
189- }
191- #endregion
193- #region コンポーネント デザイナで生成されたコード
194- /// <summary>
195- /// デザイナ サポートに必要なメソッドです。このメソッドの内容を
196- /// コード エディタで変更しないでください。
197- /// </summary>
198- private void InitializeComponent()
199- {
200- this.SuspendLayout();
201- //
202- // DrawablePanel
203- //
204- this.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
205- this.Name = "DrawablePanel";
206- this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(88, 88);
207- this.ResumeLayout(false);
209- }
210- #endregion
211- private void InitializeCanvas() {
212- this.SuspendLayout();
213- try{
214- this.canvas = GlobalModules.GraphicManagerOld.CreateDrawableControl();
215- //
216- // canvas
217- //
218- this.canvas.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
219- this.canvas.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
220- this.canvas.Name = "canvas";
221- this.canvas.TabIndex = 0;
222- this.canvas.BackColor = Color.Transparent; // Transparent can cause repaint wrapper panel.
223- //this.canvas.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.DrawablePanel_Paint);
224- //
225- // DrawablePanel
226- //
227- this.Controls.Add(this.canvas);
228- }catch {
229- }
230- this.ResumeLayout(false);
231- }
232- #region Control override
233- protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent) {
234- if (drawer == nullDrawer) {
235- base.OnPaintBackground(pevent);
236- } else {
237- // if client size is larger than content size, fill margin.
238- Size sz = drawer.ContentSize;
239- Point pt = ViewPosition;
240- int cw = sz.Width + pt.X;
241- int ch = sz.Height + pt.Y;
242- Size sz2 = ClientSize;
243- Brush br = null;
244- if (sz2.Width > cw) {
245- cw = Math.Max(cw,0);
246- br = new SolidBrush(BackColor);
247- int w2 = sz2.Width - cw;
248- pevent.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, cw, 0, w2, sz2.Height);
249- sz2.Width -= w2;
250- }
251- if (sz2.Height > ch) {
252- ch = Math.Max(ch, 0);
253- if (br == null) {
254- br = new SolidBrush(BackColor);
255- }
256- pevent.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, 0, ch, sz2.Width, sz2.Height-ch);
257- }
258- if (br != null) {
259- br.Dispose();
260- }
261- }
262- }
264- protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) {
265- if (drawer != nullDrawer) {
266- Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Round(pe.Graphics.ClipBounds);
267- rect.Intersect(canvas.Bounds);
268- rect.Location = canvas.PointToScreen(rect.Location);
269- if (dirtyRegion != null) {
270- drawer.Draw(pe.Graphics, this, rect, dirtyRegion);
271- dirtyRegion.Dispose();
272- dirtyRegion = null;
273- } else {
274- Region rgn = new Region(VisibleSourceRect);
275- drawer.Draw(pe.Graphics, this, rect, rgn);
276- rgn.Dispose();
277- }
278- }
279- base.OnPaint(pe);
280- }
281- #endregion
282- #region NullDrawer class
283- class NullDrawer : IViewDrawer {
284- public void Attach(IView view) {
285- }
287- public void Detach(IView view) {
288- }
290- public void Draw(Graphics g, IView owner, Rectangle destArea, Region requestSrc) {
291- }
293- public Size ContentSize {
294- get { return new Size(); }
295- }
297- public Size ScrollUnit {
298- get { return new Size(); }
299- }
301- public void Dispose() {
302- }
303- }
304- #endregion
305- }
--- NeoFT/framework/framework/drawing/I3DObject.cs (revision 98)
+++ NeoFT/framework/framework/drawing/I3DObject.cs (revision 99)
@@ -65,10 +65,13 @@
6565 }
6666 }
68- public interface I3DObject : IDisposable
68+ /// <summary>
69+ /// Instance Recycle(Reuse) is recommended for Memory saving purpos.
70+ /// </summary>
71+ public interface I3DObject //: IDisposable
6972 {
70- UInt32 ID { get; }
71- object Tag { get; set; }
73+ UInt32 ID { get; set; }
74+ //object Tag { get; set; }
7275 IEffectFilter Effect { get; set; }
7376 }
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