To match the fact that autotools debug builds enable -Werror by default, we've had -Ddebug=true meson builds enabling -Werror.
The problems with this are:
- There's no good way to override that default. If there's a warning, one can't make debug build
- Meson warns about this, and recommends using -Dwerror=true option instead
Let's do it like meson suggests - drop setting "-Werror" in, and rely on users to set -Dwerror=true instead, when necessary,
To match the fact that autotools debug builds enable -Werror by default, we've had -Ddebug=true meson builds enabling -Werror.
The problems with this are:
- There's no good way to override that default. If there's a warning, one can't make debug build
- Meson warns about this, and recommends using -Dwerror=true option instead
Let's do it like meson suggests - drop setting "-Werror" in, and rely on users to set -Dwerror=true instead, when necessary,