Ticket #47328

Meson configure pass, but compilation complain about missing SDL2

Eröffnet am: 2023-02-09 00:05 Letztes Update: 2023-02-14 05:06

5 - Mittel


Meson build system of Freeciv have bug, with cause compilation to fail with complain about missing SDL2 libraries, even if client was set to other than SDL2 and audio was disabled.

Ticket-Verlauf (3/10 Historien)

2023-02-09 00:05 Aktualisiert von: lachu
  • New Ticket "Meson build pass, but compilation complain about missing SDL2" created
2023-02-09 15:05 Aktualisiert von: cazfi
  • Meilenstein Update from (Keine) to 3.1.0-beta1 (closed)
  • Komponente Update from General to Bootstrap
2023-02-10 01:45 Aktualisiert von: lachu
  • Summary Updated

To be more clarify - not meson build passed, but configure process. Compilation gives result as described.

2023-02-10 01:55 Aktualisiert von: cazfi
  • Verantwortlicher Update from (Keine) to cazfi
  • Lösung Update from Keine to Accepted

Does attached patch help? I have not tested in any environment that would really lack SDL2.

2023-02-12 20:03 Aktualisiert von: lachu

Reply To cazfi

Does attached patch help? I have not tested in any environment that would really lack SDL2.

Sorry for do not respond in time. I see status is accepted, but on my repository (git log) there is no content, which could describe this patch. But... I got:

../meson.build:846:0: ERROR: Unknown variable "lzma_dep".

I do not known if it is related.

This is not probably related. I look inside patch and nothing suspicious was inside.

(Edited, 2023-02-12 20:04 Aktualisiert von: lachu)
2023-02-12 20:13 Aktualisiert von: cazfi

Reply To lachu

Reply To cazfi

Does attached patch help? I have not tested in any environment that would really lack SDL2.

Sorry for do not respond in time. I see status is accepted, but on my repository (git log) there is no content, which could describe this patch.

Since osdn lacks more accurate status, we use "accepted" as the sign that the review period is running for the patch. It's changed to "Fixed" when pushed to the repository.

../meson.build:846:0: ERROR: Unknown variable "lzma_dep".

Thanks -> #47338

2023-02-14 02:21 Aktualisiert von: lachu

Reply To cazfi

Reply To lachu

Reply To cazfi

Does attached patch help? I have not tested in any environment that would really lack SDL2.

Sorry for do not respond in time. I see status is accepted, but on my repository (git log) there is no content, which could describe this patch.

Since osdn lacks more accurate status, we use "accepted" as the sign that the review period is running for the patch. It's changed to "Fixed" when pushed to the repository.

../meson.build:846:0: ERROR: Unknown variable "lzma_dep".

Thanks -> #47338

Build properly under Debian BookWorm.

  1. $ meson -Daudio=false -Dclients=gtk3.22 -Dqtver=qt5

Information about OS:

  1. $ cat /etc/os-release
  2. PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid"
  3. NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
  4. ID=debian
  5. HOME_URL="https://www.debian.org/"
  6. SUPPORT_URL="https://www.debian.org/support"
  7. BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/"
But my version is stripped, because I am using Docker Container.

2023-02-14 05:06 Aktualisiert von: cazfi
  • Status Update from Offen to Geschlossen
  • Lösung Update from Accepted to Gefixt



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