Additional measures may be needed to exclude the disbanding of foreign units in ocean terrain of a country. I had to notice how quickly this can happen if by coincidence you have a ship in someone's water tile at the day when PEACE comes into effect. This is crude! So along with this patch such events should be avoided. -- Free Willy
Reply To (Anonymous)
Additional measures may be needed to exclude the disbanding of foreign units in ocean terrain of a country. I had to notice how quickly this can happen if by coincidence you have a ship in someone's water tile at the day when PEACE comes into effect. This is crude! So along with this patch such events should be avoided.
File a new ticket, with instructions to reproduce the bug.
For "Expel Unit" actions, you may need to do *ruleset* level adjustments, but otherwise I don't know what cases I would have missed in this patch.
That borders should not block movement on Ocean terrains requested by Free Willy:,8
Should be easy to implement as a terrain flag.