Foren: Forum of Decimal BASIC (Thread #43810)

Floating Dollar Sign? (2021-03-13 02:53 by toml12953 #87158)

Is there a way to get a floating dollar sign in Decimal BASIC?

Example (in most other BASICs)

PRINT USING "$$###,###,###.##"; 1234.657

In Decimal BASIC:

PRINT USING "$$###,###,###.##": 1234.657
$ 1,234.66

I'd like to keep the dollar sign right up against the number.

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Re: Floating Dollar Sign? (2021-03-13 06:37 by SHIRAISHI Kazuo #87159)

On Option Menu
Compatibility - Behavior - Compatibility with ISO(ANSI) - Formatting for #
switch to disregarding ISO.
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