[Cuppa-users:123] Re: CppUnit on g++ for Solaris

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FUKUDA Fumiki ffuku****@ntes*****
2002年 9月 10日 (火) 12:48:10 JST


--- "[Cuppa-users:122] CppUnit on g++ for Solaris" / r_koba****@hones***** ---


CppUnit-devel-ML でこんなのめっけ(ひょっとしたらビンゴ!)

  hello, these times i'm  using CppUnit(Release 1.8.0) to do unit testing.
  On win2000 & linux, it's ok(and easy to use :) ), but on solaris8 it core dumped.

  what i did is as following:

  1. gunzip cppunit-1.8.0.tar.gz
  2. tar xvf cppunit-1.8.0.tar
  3. cd cppunit-1.8.0
  4. configure  ( no option, no argument)=20
                (there was a warning, and the result is as following)
  5. make   (ok)
  6. make check=20
       the program throwed an exception and then core dumped :
       make  check-TESTS
       make[3]: Entering directory `/export/home/Tools/CppUnit/cppunit-1.8.0/examples/hierarchy'

       ..The following test fails, this is intended:
       Abort - core dumped
       FAIL: hierarchy
       1 of 1 tests failed

  my machine environment: solaris8  gcc2.95.3
  Hope your help and lots of thanks :)

  Would you mind trying with cppunit 1.9.8 ? You can get it there:

  I remember changing the main() implementation, but not the specific.
  Also, the TestFactoryRegistry is more robust concerning TestFactory

...とのこと、よーするに 1.8.0には穴あいてるっぽいです。

FUKUDA (episteme) Fumiki -- magical, but never a magic...

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