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vapor: Liste der Commits

Golang implemented sidechain for Bytom

Rev. Zeit Autor
11374c1 test_vapore_status 2019-06-27 11:53:38 paladz

Merge branch 'master' into test_vapore_status

3c4421c 2019-06-26 21:46:51 Paladz

speed up valiate tx (#226)

bdeea46 2019-06-26 20:04:33 HAOYUatHZ

add address filter (#225)

a177b8b 2019-06-26 19:19:15 HAOYUatHZ

feat(federation): add address in /list-txs (#224)

* add addresses

* add add add

* main listener address

* sidechain listener address

* update docs

feed757 2019-06-26 17:26:17 HAOYUatHZ

feat(federation): add address and timestamp (#223)

* update req & resp

* init timestamp

* fix timestamp

* fix

* add asset

* init from_address to_address

ae938cf 2019-06-26 15:57:31 HAOYUatHZ

doc(federation): add /list-crosschain-txs docs (#222)

* init

* add fed list-txs doc

* update

* refactor reponse

* update docs

0c608dc 2019-06-26 11:03:21 HAOYUatHZ

refactor(federation): change filter in list-txs (#221)

42c5ab2 2019-06-25 20:58:37 oysheng

get BlockNode from database (#188)

* modify BlockNode to database

* modify newBlockNode

* optimise LoadBlockIndex

* optimise hash

* restruct blockIndex

* delete redundancy function

* remove blockIndex BlockExist function and add Remove cached blockNode

* modify function name

* modify blockwitness index

* optimise

* optimise chain best node

* modify dir

* optimise

* delete blockindex

* optimise style

* remove argument

* modify name

* modify get blockwitness func

* add getBestNode

* optimise blockHashes

* remove BlockNode

* optimise struct

* optimise

* optimise protocol

* optimise saveChainStatus

* optimise

* optimise

* remove consensusNodeManager

* modify node to blockheader

* modify node name

* remove redundancy getBlocker

* modify node to blockHeader

* add lock

* add deep copy

* fix

* modify function name

* modify order

* optimise init getBlockHashes

* optimise

* modify database test

* fix validation test

* fix txpool test

* fix utxo_view test

* delete protocol block test

* optimise name and position

* optimise

* delete cond

* modify Name

* abstract common function

* optimise

* add unit test

* optimise unit test

* delete code

* save main chain hash by height

* save main chain hashes

* fix error

* optimise

* optimise

* optimsie

* optimise

* optimise

c25a685 2019-06-25 20:50:41 HAOYUatHZ

feat(warder): add warder backbone (#181)

* init warder

* init

* add

* gogogo

* add

* dododo

* gogogo

* add validateTx

* add

* build tx

* update

* check

* dododod

* fk

* aaaaaaaaaa

* update check

* add colect_minutes

* fix

* init collect

* what can i say

* find

* find

* update

* ???

* zhen xiang

* clean

* fix

* dodo

* clean

* update

* fix

* fix typo

* clean

* update

* add service.Warder

* hostPort

* path

* fix

* dododo

* add add add

* add

* add

* update

* add

* update

* update

* update

* fix https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#discussion_r294070592

* fix https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#discussion_r294070868

* remove blank line

* fix logic for https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#discussion_r294070592

* xpr

* dododo

* decode fedprog

* add todos

* sort

* sep

* checked

* temp

* clean

* ???

* rename

* clean

* add time_range

* pause

* pause again

* can compile

* do

* use https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#pullrequestreview-250219072 3

* add input

* parse

* add fedProg

* add

* fix

* di

* clean

* fix

* clean

* add todo

* what can i sat

* clean

* combine

* fix

* renew

* add type SigningInstruction

* comment out useless

* revert

* rename to assetStore

* update

* dododo

* fj

* add output

* type

* init

* update

* emm

* dododo

* update

* clean up

* addInputWitness

* init

* fix sidechainKeeper.getCrossChainReqs()

* opt

* opt

* rename

* clean

* clean

* fix

* add

* fix

* clean

* renew

* merge

* clean

* fix https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#discussion_r295148126

* add todo

* rename

* rename GetByAssetID

* fmtKey

* fix cache query

* clean

* fix no valid transaction

* fix

* rename

* fix

* fix

* revert

* clean

* fix

* fix

* fix collect

* clean

* add tryProcess

* pause

* init

* draft

* fix

* draft

* more

* sign

* rearrange

* clean

* clean

* what can i say

* redesign

* fix getSignData

* fix getSigns

* init finalizeTx

* add labels

* add getInputsCnt

* ???

* clean

* wtf

* good

* clean

* clean

* clean

* good

* fix

* clean

* clean

* miao

* update

* clean

* init api.NewServer

* init

* minor

* comment out synchron first

* rename

* init

* add venfor

* clean up

* add listener

* add middleware

* add

* init handlerMiddleware

* add

* fix typo

* update

* update

* clean

* update

* clean

* updare

* add

* add todos

* add

* do

* update

* add

* update

* update

* clean up

* clean

* clean

* temp clean

* clean up

* clean

* clean

* clean

* clean up

* clean

* clean

* fix

* clean

* combine

* clean

* add github.com/mattn/go-isatty

* add github.com/ugorji/go/codec

* add gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v8

* clean

* temp

* clean

* init

* init

* add minor

* add json

* ???

* temp

* clean

* fix json

* fix json

* clean

* add

* add

* add

* add

* clean

* clean

* clean

* move

* fix https://github.com/Bytom/vapor/pull/181#discussion_r297058765

* fix

4607cea 2019-06-25 19:30:38 yahtoo

add fast sync func (#204)

* Modify fast sync function

* Fix GetHeadersMessage error

* Fix skeleton init error

* Fix fetchHeaders error

* Add fetch date finish check

* Fix FetchBodiesTask error

* Fix fetchBodies bug

* Add multi-peer fetch support

* Fix requireHeaders bug

* add lit fast sync func

* Fix fetchBlocks bug

* opz code format

* del test file

* opz code

* Add test case

* change to singe peer fast sync

* Fix bug

* Add peer exception handle

* del unused code

* Add test case

* Fix review bug

* Fix locate headers error

* Fix test file error

* Add irreversible block fast sync

* Fix test err

* Fix review bug

3bbfe8d 2019-06-24 15:50:09 Chengcheng Zhang

fix dockerfile (#220)

5050ec8 2019-06-24 15:43:31 wz

add error code for veto (#219)

* add error code

* fix

1ad7f11 2019-06-24 14:59:19 Paladz

mock crosschain tx (#218)

b49aa55 coinbase_reward 2019-06-21 13:36:18 apolloww

vapord docker: add missing options to deploy script (#216)

a52a2a0 fix_lru_vote 2019-06-20 21:08:57 apolloww

dockerize vapord (#214)

ddc2443 test_vote 2019-06-20 17:48:58 wz

Test crossin (#213)

* fix crossin

* fix review

14cdd39 2019-06-20 16:21:05 Paladz

Merge pull request #212 from Bytom/Makefile

Change Makefile and directory for vapor

405df03 2019-06-20 16:12:32 Chengcheng Zhang

update readme

080e9b3 Makefile 2019-06-20 16:08:12 Chengcheng Zhang

update from master

d50bd47 2019-06-20 16:06:51 Chengcheng Zhang

Merge branch 'master' into Makefile

d78feed 2019-06-20 15:46:35 Yahtoo Ma

Change Makefile and directory for vapor

fc91640 2019-06-20 15:27:43 Paladz

Merge pull request #209 from Bytom/readme

update readme

75d02ec 2019-06-20 15:25:30 Chengcheng Zhang


a17173e 2019-06-20 15:22:49 Chengcheng Zhang


b52c787 2019-06-20 15:13:28 Chengcheng Zhang

update readme

603c324 2019-06-20 12:54:28 Paladz

Merge pull request #208 from Bytom/dashboard

update dashboard

bfbd48d 2019-06-20 12:54:10 Paladz

Merge branch 'master' into dashboard

67a6868 2019-06-20 12:52:32 Zhiting Lin

update dashboard

38fc337 2019-06-20 12:49:41 Paladz

Merge pull request #207 from Bytom/edit_log

edit the log

f8fe5d5 2019-06-20 12:44:09 paladz

edit the log

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