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external-mksh: Liste der Commits


Rev. Zeit Autor
811a575 jb-x86 2013-08-15 06:33:39 Thorsten Glaser

Update to mksh R48

Change-Id: I4d1bef9bf8ddc7899cfb32a6f2fa9e6f632bc53f

f8c396c 2013-02-21 05:08:35 Nick Kralevich

Merge "mksh: use /data/local instead of /data/local/tmp"

fd187c6 2013-02-21 04:47:46 Nick Kralevich

mksh: use /data/local instead of /data/local/tmp

/data/local/tmp is writable by the shell user and is not
sticky (S_IXVTX). /data/local is only writable by root
(as a result, the sticky bit doesn't matter).

Change-Id: I7ea121208846c2cffe97f6316272c526b47a1813

d2cea5b 2013-02-20 06:20:34 Nick Kralevich

Merge "Update mksh to R43 (formal release, from tarball)"

c2dc5de 2013-02-20 04:58:27 Thorsten Glaser

Update mksh to R43 (formal release, from tarball)

The files in src/ are just the unmodified mksh release .tgz
and is Not a Contribution to Android, it’s the upstream code
project. ChangeLog:

Changes, other than upstream mksh code:
• update Copyright years
• sync with moving to a different AOSP project and other AOSP changes
• add test compilation mode
• be conservative in filedescriptor usage
• don’t compile the $MirOS$ RCS IDs into the binary to save space
• enable UTF-8 mode, to match reality
• help memory leak debugging by adding -DDEBUG_LEAKS
• update rest of to work with updated AOSP and mksh
• use ro.product.device property as default hostname in mkshrc
(originally submitted by John Michelau <>)
• do not export PS1 in mkshrc (cross-shell developers agreed on this)
• add “more” function to mkshrc to get a simplistic pager
• add “hd” and “setenv” functions to mkshrc for better UX
• mention Launchpad as upstream bugtracker as comment in mkshrc
• change TMPDIR to /data/local/tmp for now, as /sqlite_stmt_journals is gone
(although this is still no full replacement, it’s better than before)
• address the segfaults seen by DONG-DONG YANG

Change-Id: I2d4d175bc5163b3d6f5098024f98f316fe812e55

93bd42c 2012-05-04 08:38:30 Elliott Hughes

Track libnativehelper move for PDK.

Bug: 6369821
Change-Id: I287c08d562d3aab14adf34a614ef752ecc21c064

03ebf06 2011-10-13 10:17:24 Geremy Condra

Updated mksh to ToT as of 12 October 2011.

This includes several security fixes and brings us in
line with upstream, who has included fixes for a
number of issues originally reported by the Android

Change-Id: I1e0f3adf292b86fa7679b3364a774e5b6004beb8

5155f1c 2011-06-17 02:05:28 Jean-Baptiste Queru

Move mksh to a separate project.

This was originally in system/core/mksh

commit ba2627c6cdb3aaa40aebd362170c382b55b7b511
Author: Thorsten Glaser <>
Date: Tue Aug 24 18:21:37 2010 +0200

Add mksh from CVS 2010/08/24 as system/core/mksh module

Both shells (ash from system/core/sh, and mksh) are built by
default but only the one where $(TARGET_SHELL) is set to is
actually installed (the shell and the mkshrc configuration
file are tagged shell_mksh for this to work).

commit f41986bbc79055a4feed7266cac5c1b540296daf
Author: Jeff Hamilton <>
Date: Fri Sep 10 10:46:06 2010 -0500

Don't alias 'stop' to 'kill -STOP'

Android has already has a stop command used
to stop the main runtime and the alias
interferes with testing tools that expect
stop to kill the runtime.

Change-Id: I5ddf28dbd0221148d3b8f55eaf4f1e7d046c9288

38fa6a9 2011-06-11 00:15:48 Anatol Pomazau

Initial empty repository

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