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PepoLinux 2021-12-12 17:58 (by pepolinux)

Raspberry Pi zero wでホームオートメーションやホームセキュリティを実現するものです
今回旧OSよりRaspberry Pi OS Liteで再構築したのでイメージが1.4G -> 500Mと随分小さくなっています (Zeig mehr...)


PepoLinux 2021-08-10 20:40 (by pepolinux)

Raspberry Pi zero wでホームオートメーションやホームセキュリティを実現するものです
For more information about the following URL reference (Zeig mehr...)


ChibiOS 2021-12-08 20:56 (by gdisirio)

ChibiOS version 21.11.1 has been released, this is a stable release and a recommended upgrade. More details are available in our forum:


Fess 2021-12-04 11:11 (by shinsuke)

Fess は簡単に構築可能な全文検索サーバです。 ウェブサイト、ファイルサーバ、DB などをクロールして、検索することができます。 様々なファイルを検索対象として扱えます。 ダウンロード後、簡単に導入でき、すぐに利用が可能ですので、どうぞご利用ください。
(Zeig mehr...)


Spins by Kilz 2021-11-26 22:08 (by kilz)

I am happy to announce the release of SbK Talking Mate 21.2.0
Talking Mate is one of the few SbK releases to use a panel. It is designed for users with vision issues. It also has only one iso, the full version to make it easier for its (Zeig mehr...)


Spins by Kilz 2021-11-25 20:28 (by kilz)

I am pleased to announce the release of SbK Cinnamon 21.2.0. A spin based on Manjaro.
The Cinnamon desktop had theme work on the Nemo file manager to match the rest of the applications. The places sidebar is now the same color as the (Zeig mehr...)

eval と see の不具合について報告するにも公式側では Issue Tracker は使えないので、こちらへ。だいぶ前からある eval のバグですが、以下のコードを実行するとエラーは発生せずにクラッシュします。
再現用のコード val = "1+2" ? eval(val)または
(Zeig mehr...)


Spins by Kilz 2021-11-24 01:43 (by kilz)

I am pleased to announce the release of SbK Xfce-Compiz 21.2.0. A spin based on Manjaro.
The Xfce desktop had theme work on the Thunar file manager to match the rest of the applications. The places sidebar is now the same color as the (Zeig mehr...)


Spins by Kilz 2021-11-23 01:19 (by kilz)

I am pleased to announce the release of SbK Mate-Compiz 21.2.0. A spin based on Manjaro.
The Mate desktop had theme work on the Caja file manager to match the rest of the applications. The places sidebar is now the same color as the t (Zeig mehr...)


Spins by Kilz 2021-11-22 06:24 (by kilz)

I am pleased to announce the release of SbK Gnome 21.2.0. A spin based on Manjaro.
Both iso's in this release include :
1. The 5.10.79 LTS kernel.
2. The following Gnome shell extensions are installed and used:
Dash to Dock
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